OPENING NIGHT 22 May 2015, 1830 to 2100HRS ( By Invitation Only) EXHIBITION 23 May - 30 May, 0900 to 2100HRS 31 May, 0900 to 1300HRS VENUE National Design Centre,111 Middle Rd


Stephanie Yeo

(+65) 91261390


What I find most fulfilling about design is that it can be playful yet thoughtful. As a designer, you have the freedom to set your own parameters for each project, and every project is unique in its own way. I believe that design is an effective tool in communicating concepts and ideas of how we interpret the world around us.

Project 1 - Pretty Honest
Thesis Pretty honest is a line of beauty packaging for natural ingredient cosmetics. With the use of honest and dynamic materials such as wood and copper, a personalised patina can be formed on the packaging through daily interaction. Beyond cosmetics, the inner palettes are refillable yet completely removable, becoming a treasured heirloom object to keep precious trinkets.
Project 2 - Hanabi
thanabi is a multi-sensorial alarm system which explores the visceral quality of awakening. Wall mounted next to your bed, the light begins to glow when it is time to wake up, mimicking the rising sun. Each of the three customizable scented wheels will start spinning, dispersing an aroma. Through this, hanabi highlights the experience of awakening with pleasurable reluctance.
Project 3 - Building Bits
Inspired by the brutal beauty of “morphable” and exposed bones, Building Bits is the joint design of the free form articulation in a calculated manner. They come in 3 different configurations, which are optimized to enable most 3-dimensional forms. Building bits have potential to create and support larger structures. The final prototype is a playful and interactive kinetic sculpture - a celebration of these joints; showcasing how the qualities of structural stability and flexibility can be controlled and achieved simultaneously.
Project 4 - Modum
In collaboration with NUH Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) clinic Modum is a modular ear operation kit, which simulates realistic tactility and is inexpensive for ENT doctors to practice Myringotomy. It provides a platform for practice and assessment, reducing the points of error during actual surgery. With the interchangeable module cartridge, it enables multiple tries on the operating procedure. By recreating the Handle of Malleus on our cartridge as a landmark for the incision, the resident doctor was able to perform the surgery accurately. Pushing the principle concept of the modular system, Modum has the potential to become a full working model, complete with many possibilities of other ENT related surgical simulators.
111 Middle Road
National Design Centre Singapore 188969

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