
Systems Design Project

Duration: 9 months (usually starts in Aug each year).

The objective of the design project is to provide an opportunity for students to gain practical design experience in an actual industry setting. Such experience will also provide the students with a broader scope of industrial engineering by applying a range of IE-related concepts rather than concentrating on one particular subject area.

The module provides the students opportunity to:

  1. Study, formulate and analyze an actual industrial problem with the goal of recommending a design solution that is practical.
  2. Apply knowledge learnt in the classroom to an actual problem assigned.
  3. Acquire intangible attributes such as working in a team and practical experience that cannot be taught in a classroom environment.
  4. Practise and improve the skills of technical report writing and oral presentation.

Companies’ participation and support for this module are therefore important for these values to be imparted to the students effectively. The Systems Design Project module is carried out over a period of two semesters. It is offered at the beginning of every academic year which starts in early August and the work will span approximately nine months. The nature of the work is on resolving a specific problem or completing a specific project and is not intended for carrying out day-to-day operations.

During the course of the project, students are not allowed to receive compensation for work done. However, companies are encouraged to provide typical office facilities such as photocopying, printing, and in some cases, supplies and travel expenses to the students.

Click here for the module outline.

If you have further queries or require more information, please send an email to and provide us with your contact details.

Final-Year Project (FYP) / BEng Dissertation

The objective of the module is to give students exposure to research. In this module, each student is assigned to a research project that requires application of industrial and systems engineering concepts. The module provides the opportunity for students to conduct self-study by reviewing literature, defining a problem, analyzing the problem critically, conducting design of experiments, and recommending solutions. It also enables students to improve their communication skills through technical report writing and oral presentation.

The final year project duration will be consisted two consecutive semesters and students can be enrolled this project either in Semester 1 or Semester 2.

For more details, you may visit here.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP)

UROP is an individual academic research project you would undertake typically over two semesters or during the Special Term* anytime after your first semester, but before your final year. Successful completion of UROP counts as a 4-MC Unrestricted Elective Module (UEM). UROP is recommended if you are on the Research-focused Pathway (RfP), but equally so if you simply wish to learn the skills of independent research. You may be supervised by a professor within the ISEM Department, or you may choose a project in another department, allowing you exposure to a different engineering discipline.

*Special Term fees apply if you choose to be on UROP over this period.

Independent Study Module

The purpose of IE4102 Independent Study Module is to promote self-study, critical thinking and independent research abilities. The project, which must be relevant to industrial and systems engineering, are proposed by the students and must be approved by the Department Coordinator before they are allowed to proceed. The students should identify a Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management staff member who is willing to oversee the projects and obtain their approval before submitting the proposal for consideration.

The project duration will be consisted one consecutive semester and students can be enrolled this project either in Semester 1 or Semester 2.