Step-by-step guide on how to add ISEM department as your ALMA MATER.

1) Go to your LinkedIn profile page:

Image 4


2) Under the Education section, click on the plus (+) button on the right (see image below) to add NEW education:

Linkedin Education

Note that you can have multiple concurrent education records on your LinkedIn profile (e.g., you can list both the department and NUS as your alma mater, see image below for example):

Linkedin Education2


3) You will see the page below:

Linkedin Education Page


4) Under the School field, please key in and select Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, NUS as shown below:

Linkedin School


5) Proceed to complete the rest of the details. Remember to click the “Save” button when done.


6) To verify that you have been correctly listed as alumni of the department, visit the Department’s LinkedIn page and click on the alumni tab as shown below:

Linkedin Alumni