
Admissions requirements

 Admission requirements for various qualifications may be found here. Please refer to the following table for additional course-specific pre-requites.

Pre-requisites for other NUS Engineering programmes, double-degree programmes and other special programmes may be found here. Do note that pre-requisites are subject to change every year and you should check for updates here before applying.

Selection tests or interviews are not required as part of the application process except for applicants under consideration for scholarships or aptitude-based (discretionary) admission.

BEng (Biomedical Engineering)

Applicant Category Pre-Requisites
Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’ Level Pass in Mathematics or Further Mathematics
Polytechnic Diploma from Singapore Please refer here for the list of acceptable diplomas from a local Polytechnic or institution in Singapore.
International Qualifications Applicants presenting international qualifications may apply with equivalent high school results.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Pass in Higher Level Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL MAA)

*Applicants without Physics and/or Chemistry should read the Physics and/or Chemistry bridging courses if admitted.

Indicative Grade Profile

The University provides the following notification of grade profiles and course places to enable prospective applicants to make informed choices in their application for admission to NUS undergraduate courses.
Please refer here for the latest indicative grade profile.


Biomedical Engineering Brochure

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