28 June 2021

NUS BME won the 1st-place award in the ASMEā€“BED/SB3C PhD Paper Competition 2021

BME PhD student Liang Yeshi, from tissue repair and biofabrication lab, supervised by Prof. James Goh, participated in the Student Paper Competition. This competition was sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Bioengineering Division (ASME-BED) with three educational levels (BS, MS, PhD). Abstracts were accepted from all technical areas like Biotransport, Fluids, Tissue & Cellular Engineering etc.

Yeshiā€™s abstract ā€˜Conductive Polypyrrole-Encapsulated Silk Fibroin Fibers for Myocardial Regenerationā€™ was selected as one of the top 36 abstracts from the 150+ submissions as the finalist to speak in one of the 6 podium sessions in the conference. She presented her researchĀ works on June 14thĀ in the PhD Paper Competition: Session 1 Biotransport, Biosensors, and Biomaterials and got the 1st-place award.