Dr. Mrinal Kanti MUSIB

Senior Lecturer


  • PhD, Biomedical Engineering. Jointly by University of Texas Medical School (HSC) and University of Texas at San Antonio, USA. 2009.
  • Bachelors in Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Technology. Jadavpur University, India.

Professional Experience

  • Senior Lecturer: 2018- Present
  • Lecturer- 2013- 2017
  • Senior Research Scientist. State University of New York (SUNY), Downstate Medical Centre, Brooklyn, New York, USA. 2009-2012.
  • Consultant, Medical Affairs/Information. Johnson and Johnson (ASEAN and APAC), Singapore Regional Office, Singapore. 2012.
  • Medico-Marketing, Pharma MNC (Conducting/supervising phase IV clinical trials). 2000 – 2002.

Research Interests

Pedagogical Research

  1. Scenario-based Learning (SBL) strategies
  2. Self-created educational cartoons and case studies for ethics teaching
  3. ‘Active’ and ‘visual’ learning using 3D printed medical device models/prototypes
  4. Dramatization in teaching and blended learning/flipped classrooms

Domain Research

  1. Biomaterials (primarily for orthopaedic, cardiovascular and dental applications)
  2. Medical devices Design (including regulations and quality/compliance)
  3. Biological response to implant debris (primarily released by prosthetic devices and total joints)
  4. Cell-(Nano) biomaterial interactions and scaffolds as 3D matrices for Tissue Engineering applications

Modules Taught at NUS

  1. EG2401 Engineering Professionalism (Faculty level module)
  2. BN3101 Biomedical Engineering Design (Co-ordinator)
  3. BN2103 Bioengineering Design Workshop
  4. BN3301 Introduction to Biomaterials (BME module)
  5. EG5911 Research Methodology & Ethics (Faculty level module)
  6. BN5203 Advanced Tissue Engineering (Co-ordinator)
  7. BN5208 Biomedical Quality and Regulatory Systems (Co-ordinator)
  8. Co-ordinator: Medical Device Regulatory Affairs (MDRA) and Advanced Medical Device Regulation (AMDR) for continuous, lifelong learning. (Covers all aspects of Medical Device Regulation, Safety, Quality and Compliance)


  1. Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Coursera)
  2. Drug Discovery and Development (Coursera)
  3. Medical Device Regulations (Regulatory Affairs Professional Society, USA)

Teaching Awards/Recognitions at NUS

  • University “Excellence in Teaching” award (ATEA), University level individual teaching award: AY 2016/17, AY 17/18 and AY 18/19
  • ATEA Teaching Honour roll (for receiving ATEA for 3 consecutive years): 5 years, from AY 2018/19 – AY 23/24
  • NUS, Faculty of Engineering, ‘Engineering Educator’ award (Faculty level individual award): AY 2018/19
  • NUS, Faculty of Engineering, ‘Innovation in Teaching’ award (Faculty level individual award for innovative approaches to teaching and pedagogy): AY 2016/17
  • NUS, Faculty of Engineering Honors List and BME commendation List: AY 2016/17, AY 17/18 and AY 18/19

Other Awards/Scholarships

  1. 2019: Full funding/scholarship from the European Commission (EC) through ERASMUS to initiate Pedagogical activities at Sorbonne University, Paris.
  2. 2010 and 2011: Professional Development Scholarship, State University of New York,  Brooklyn, NY, USA
  3. 2010: National Science Foundation (NSF) Fellowship to attend short course “Micro- and Nano- scale Phenomena in Tribology” San Diego, CA, USA
  4. 2007: UTHSCSA grant to attend short course “Advances in Tissue Engineering”, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
  5. 2003- 2005: Graduate Fellowship, UTSA
  6. 2005: Travel award, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting, Baltimore, USA

Contribution to teaching-learning activities beyond University (as Judge)

  • 2018-present: Science Research (SR) Programme, H3 level for pre-university students organised by Science and Engineering Deans office
  • 2018-present: Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF) for high school students
  • 6th Singapore International Mathematics Challenge (SIMC) co-organised by MoE and NUS High School. (2017)

Pedagogical/Educational Grants at NUS

  • “Integrating design thinking, a novel 3D printing technology and ‘visual learning’ to promote long-term teaching and learning effectiveness”. CDTL, TEG conference grant NUS, 2018
  • “Integrating design thinking, a novel 3D printing technology and ‘visual learning’ to promote long-term teaching and learning effectiveness”. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Grant, FoE, NUS, 2018
  • “Technology-Driven Novel Strategies to Decrease Attrition Rates in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC’s). Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Conference Grant, FoE, NUS, 2018
  • “Technology-Driven Novel Pedagogical Technique Incorporating a “Scenario-based, Flipped Learning Approach” for an Authentic Learning Experience”. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Conference Grant, FoE, NUS, 2017
  • “Teaching ethics by adopting a ‘scenario-based learning’ (SBL) approach using the ‘flipped classroom’ (FC) model: A Pilot study”, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) grant, FoE, NUS, 2014.
  • “Adaptability and acceptability of the flipped classroom concept in an introductory multidisciplinary student setting”, Teaching Enhancement Grant (TEG), CDTL, NUS, 2013.

Session Chairing at International Teaching/Pedagogical Conferences

  • Session Chair; ‘Teaching and Education’ at the 40th International Academic Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2018)
  • Session Chair; “Higher Education, Lifelong Education” at the 6th Teaching & Education Conference, Vienna, Austria (October 2018)

Book Chapters

  • Musib, MK., Saha, S. “Ethical Considerations in Biomaterials Research and Development”, (Invited), in New Materials and Technologies for Healthcare. (Editor: Hench L); Imperial College Press and World Scientific Publishing Company (2011).
  • Musib, MK,, Saha, S. “Nanostructured Materials for Bone Tissue Replacement“, (Invited) in Nanomedicine: Technologies and Applications. (Editor: Webster TJ); WoodHead Publishers, UK, 2012.

Invited Communication/Articles in the Journal “Science’

  • Musib, M. Top Online Essays; “What is the most challenging ethical question facing young investigators in your field? How should it be addressed?” NextGen voices; Science; July 2014.
  • Mrinal Musib et al. (2017). Artificial Intelligence in Research. ‘Science’  Vol. 357, 6346, 28-30. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/357/6346/28

Selected Publications

  1. Pareatumbee, P., Suleiman, S., Narayanamurthy, K., Musib, M. (2020). Going Beyond PowerPoint: Using 3D Printed Medical Device Prototypes to Promote ‘Tactile’ and ‘Visual’ Learning, Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (AJSoTL), 10(2), 222-232.
  2. Musib, M. Asynchronous learning during Covid 19 times: Perspectives and Reflections (under preparation)
  3. Musib, M (2019). Reflection on Practice: Enhancing undergraduate students’ learning of ethics through relevant lecturer-developed skits/plays and animated comics for longer-term learning; AJSoTL, 9(2), 186-198.
  4. Musib, M (2019). Creating and integrating relevant educational cartoons with scenario-based learning strategies to impart long-term ethics learning; J Innovation and Learning; 25(1); 50-63
  5. Tay, A. & Musib, M.(2017) To MOOC or not to MOOC: A review of strategies to manage high attrition in MOOC participation. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (AJSoTL), 7(1), 67-82.
  6. Dewavrin JY, Muhammed A, Blocki A,Musib MK, Piazza F, Raghunath M. Synergistic Rate Boosting of Collagen Fibrillogenesis in Heterogeneous Mixtures of Crowding Agents,  Phys. Chem. B, 2015, 119 (12), 4350–4358.
  7. Musib, MK Student perceptions of the impact of using the flipped classroom approach for an introductory-level multidisciplinary module. CDTL Brief, 17(2), 15-20. (2014).
  8. Musib, MK., Rasquinha, V., Saha, S. Comparison of modified acid, base and enzyme digestion techniques for isolation and characterization of orthopedic implant-debris nanoparticles. Am. J. Mater. Sc., 2(5), (2012).
  9. Musib, MK, Jones, J., Chakote, K., Hayes, W., Saha, S  Microhardness of Bi-Antibiotic Eluting Bone Cement Scaffolds. Progress in Biomaterials, 1:3 (2012).
  10. Musib, MK., Saha, S. Fractionation and Characterization of Particles Simulating Wear of Total Joint Replacements (TJR) Following ASTM Standards. J. Long Term Effects of Med. Implants, 21(1): 83-96 (2011).
  11. Musib, MK . Phagocytosis of Simulated Nano-wear Debris by steoblasts. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 1(1):1-6 (2011).
  12. Musib, MK. A Review of the History and Role of UHMWPE as a Component in Total Joint Replacements. Int. J. of Biological Engineering, 1(1):1-5, (2011).
  13. Musib, MK., Rasquinha, V., Saha, S. “Simultaneous Isolation and Characterization of Polymeric and Metallic Wear-debris Particles from Periprosthetic Tissues after total hip revision surgery J. Long Term Effects of Med. Implants, 21(4): 281–290 (2011).
  14. Musib, MK., Saha, S. “Nano-wear-particulates Elicit a Size and Dose Dependent Response by RAW 264.7 Cells”. SBEC, IFMBE publications. 32:158-160 (2010).
  15. Musib, MK., Saha, S. “Effect of Wear-debris Particles on RAW 264.7 Cells”. IEEE publication 36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, p.1-2, (2010)

Invited Talks

  1. Invited Speaker (2019) to Sorbonne University, Paris on “Pedagogical Innovations in Higher Education in Singapore/NUS”, funded by the European Commission (EC)
  2. Higher Education Campus Conference (HECC 2019), “Reflections on practice: Technology-enhanced strategies to promote long-term student learning
  3. NUS Festival of Learning (2019),Going beyond powerpoint: Using 3D printed medical device prototypes to promote ‘tactile’ and ‘visual’ learning
  4. Invited Speaker at the Inaugural “NUS Learning on Campus Sep 2018” titled, “Developing and implementing novel Scenario‐based learning (SBL) strategies to teach ethics”
  5. Invited lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT-KGP), titled “Medical Device Regulation: How and why?”
  6. Invited podium presentation at the 6th Teaching & Education Conference, Vienna, Austria titled “Integrating design thinking, a novel 3D printing technology and ‘visual learning’ to promote long-term teaching and learning effectiveness” (October 2018, funded through CDTL, TEG grant)
  7. Invited Speaker at the Inaugural “NUS Learning on Campus Sep 2018” titled, “Developing and implementing novel Scenario‐based learning (SBL) strategies to teach ethics” (Sep 2018)
  8. Invited podium presentation at the 40th International Academic Conference (2018) “Technology-Driven Novel Strategies to Decrease Attrition Rates in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC’s) at the 40th International Academic Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2018, funded through NUS, FoE, TEL grant)
  9. At the University of Toronto (2017) titled, “Technology-Driven Novel Pedagogical Technique Incorporating a “Scenario-based, Flipped Learning Approach” for an Authentic Learning Experience”. Tenth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, University of Toronto, Canada
  10. At the Asian Deans’ Forum (ADF) (2017), Workshop on Bioengineering on 11-12th March. Topic: Paradigm shift in design teaching: Application of Flip-classroom teaching in Biodesign module.
  11. 3rd Technology Enhance Learning (TEL) workshop (2016) titled, Integrating Innovative and Technology Driven Pedagogical Techniques to Impart Authentic and Life Long Learning.
  12. Why some medical devices fail, while others don’t: identifying and understanding some root causes and how we can prevent such failures, Invited talk for the “Challenges in product developments of medical implants and devices”, Dec 18-19, 2015, IIEST Shibpur
  13. Technology driven pedagogical techniques incorporating a novel and effective “scenario-based, flipped learning approach” for an authentic learning experience; Ascilite Annual conference, Nov 2015.
  14. ICAMET 2014, Biological response to orthopaedic wear-debris nanoparticles, ICAMET Dec 2014, Shibpur, Kolkata, India.
  15. “Teaching Ethics by Adopting a Role Play, Scenario-based Learning Approach for an Authentic Learning Experience”, Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TLHE), NUS, Dec, 2014.
  16. “Student perceptions of the impact of using the flipped classroom approach for an introductory-level multidisciplinary module”, TEG talk, CDTL, NUS, Nov 2014
  17. “From Bench to Bed: The Journey of Biomaterials; Relevance of What We Learn in Classroom to a Fabricated Implant Device and Beyond”. National University of Singapore, Bioengineering, June 2012
  18. “Cellular Response to Orthopedic Wear Nanoparticles and Biomechanical Studies on Bone Cement Scaffolds”. Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore, December 7, 2011.
  19. “Response to Orthopedic Wear nanoparticles”. New York University, New York, September 19, 2011.
  20. “Biological Response to Orthopedic Wear-Debris Nano-particles”. Wichita State University, Kansas, April 27, 2011.
  21. Towards a common “code of ethics” for Biomedical Engineers. Sixth International Conference of Ethical Issues in Biomedical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, New York, (2011).April,2, 2011.
  22. “Nano-wear-particulates elicit a size and dose dependent response by RAW 264.7 cells”. Proceedings of the 26th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference (SBEC) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA (2010).
  23. “Phagocytosis of UHMWPE particles by osteoblasts is dependent on particle size and associated with increased cell membrane destabilization and decreased differentiation”. Proceedings of the Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA (2010).
  24. “Isolation and Characterization of Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) Nanoparticles for Cell Response Studies”. BME speaker; SUNY Downstate Medical Ctr. and Polytechnic Institute of NYU Joint Biomedical Engineering (BME) Ph.D. Program. Brooklyn NY; May (2009).
  25. “Isolation and Characterization of UHMWPE nano-particles for MG63 osteoblast-like cell response studies”. Southwest Research Institute (SWRI), San Antonio, TX; March, (2009).

International Consultation

Led and co-organized (with SCALE, NUS) a 2-day workshop (2017) on ‘Innovations in Medical Devices” for delegates from Zhejiang University (consisting of graduate engineering/medical students and faculty members).


Recognition by international governments and organizations

  • ERASMUS scholarship’ from the European Commission (EC) to initiate Pedagogical activities at University of Paris/Sorbonne University, Paris. “Pedagogical Innovations in Higher Education in Singapore/NUS” (2019).
  • Invited international educator on “Ethics and Leadership” for the “Leadership for Academics Program” (LEAP), a Govt of India (GOI) initiative in collaboration with Singapore (NTU) attended by Senior Academics and University/Institute Heads at IISER, Kolkata, India (Jan 2020)
  • Invited international educator to conduct a lecture series/MOOCs on ‘Medical devices and innovation’, as part of the GOI initiative, Global Initiative for academic networks (GIAN). (2021)
  • Judge for Reimagine Education Awards 2019/20; Global awards recognizing innovative higher education pedagogies (widely considered as ‘Oscars’ in education’) (2019-2020).
  • Reviewer and/or editorial board member of pedagogical journals and conference committees, including AJSoTL, NUS
  • Invited international author by the reputed journal, ‘Science’ to write on ‘ethics relevant issues’ (Musib, M et al, Science (2017), 357, 6346, 28-30; Musib M. NextGen voices; Science;)

Membership/Contributions in Scientific/Professional Organizations

  • Member, NUS, Institute for Application of Learning Science and Education Technology (ALSET) and member of its Translational research interest group (TRIG).
  • Completed the Lean LaunchPad Singapore Educator’s workshop on Commercializing Technological Innovations, July 2018
  • Member, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES), International organization working in the area of teaching and learning
  • Golden Key International Honor Society
  • Sigma Xi Honor Society
  • Member, Scientific Programme Committee, 7th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2015
  • Organizing committee; 6th international conference on Ethical Issues in Biomedical Engineering, New York, 2011
  • Fellow, New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), STEM mentoring program, NY, 2011
  • Peer advisor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, UTHSCSA ,2006-09
  • Reviewer, Journal of Orthopedics and Trauma
  • Reviewer, Journal of Long Term Effects of Medical Implants
  • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Biological Engineering
  • Co-chair at the ICBME conference December 2016, Young Investigator Award session

Professional Service to Department and University

  1. Co-ordinator and Lecturer for the “Medical Device Regulatory Affairs (MDRA) and Advanced Medical Device Regulations (AMDR), yearlong Graduate Certificate Programs” for continuous, Lifelong Learning Initiatives (L3) launched by BME, NUS
  2. Member, departmental curriculum committee (DCC)
  3. Member, department safety and resource management committee
  4. Member, Industry attachment committee (IA)
  5. Coordinator for departmental seminars for both graduate students and external visitors,
  6. Co-ordinator for BME for the student exchange program (SEP).
  7. Co-ordinator for approval of BN2001 (Independent study) as well as mapping of BN4109 (special topics in Bioengineering).
  8. Represented NUS in various outreach activities including University/Engineering open house and summer school teaching
  9. Co-chair: ICBME conference December 2016, “Young Investigator Award” session
  10. Contributor, Roundtable discussion on future collaboration in education at the Asia Deans Forum (ADF) meeting, Singapore