28 February 2023

Professor CT Lim’s HaptGlove team clinches IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2022

A research team led by Professor Lim Chwee Teck from the Institute for Health Innovation & Technology (iHealthtech) and the Department of Biomedical Engineering under the NUS College of Design and Engineering, has won the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2022 with their Wireless Pneumatic Haptic Glove which they have developed for the metaverse.

Presented to the team on 17 January 2023, this award represents Prof Lim’s fourth win in the last 10 years and recognises his excellent contribution to developing cutting-edge technologies.

Prof Lim, together with Dr Yeo Joo Chuan, and PhD student Qi Jiaming, designed the award-winning HaptGlove, a futuristic haptic glove that enables a “physical” sense of touch in virtual reality (VR) or the metaverse. The glove adopts a wireless design and uses flexible and stretchable sensors as well as microfluidic and pneumatic haptic modules. This technology creates possibilities for various applications in medicine, healthcare and education, such as training doctors for surgery, enabling patients to rehabilitate at home and providing trainees with a realistic learning experience, all through using the haptic glove for a truly immersive and realistic experience.

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