1 December 2023

Professor Lim Chwee Teck’s ‘FUNction Device’ offers hope to muscular dystrophy patients

A new assistive device jointly developed by researchers at CDE could offer significant strides towards improving the lives of individuals battling muscular dystrophy.

Named the “FUNction Device” it aims to empower those affected by the condition to use smartphones and tablets, even in the advanced stages of the disease.

The device has been jointly developed by a team from CDE and the NUS Institute for Health Innovation & Technology (iHealthtech), led by Professor Lim Chwee Teck (Biomedical Engineering and Director of iHealthtech). Funding was provided by the Enabling Lives Initiative Grant from SG Enable.

Muscular dystrophy, a condition characterised by genetic mutations hindering the production of essential proteins for healthy muscle formation, leads to progressive weakness and muscle mass loss. As everyday activities become increasingly challenging for patients, the absence of a cure necessitates continuous adaptation to the deteriorating condition.


read more (https://cde.nus.edu.sg/news-detail/function-device-offers-hope-to-muscular-dystrophy-patients/)

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