- PhD. University of California, San Diego, USA.
- BS. University of California, Davis, USA.
Research Interest
- Tissue nanoenvironment
- Biomaterials
- Nano-bio interface
- Cell-ECM interactions
Selected Awards & Honours
- American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Fellow, 2010-2012
- UCSD Stem Cell Program ISSCR Travel Award 2012
- Outstanding Oral Presentation, UC System-wide Bioengineering Symposium, 2010
- ARCS Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 2009-2013
- NSF Honorable Mention, 2009
- “Novel and Newsworthy Top Picks,” American Society for Cell Biology, 2009
- D. Qualifying Exam-Passed with Distinction, 2009
Selected Journal Publications
- Wei, Q., Young, J.L., Holle, A.W., Li, J., Bieback, K., Inman, G., Spatz, J.P., Cavalcanti-Adam, E.A. (2020); Soft Hydrogels for Balancing Cell Proliferation and Differentiation. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 6 (8): 4687-4701.
- Young, J.L., Hua, X., Somsel, H., Reichart, F., Kessler, H., Spatz, J.P. (2020): Integrin Subtypes and Nanoscale Dimensionality Influence Drug Resistance in Breast Cancer Cells. Nano Letters. 20 (2): 1183-1191.
- Major, L.G.*, Holle, A.W.*, Young, J.L.*, Hepburn, M.S., Jeong, K., Chin, I.L., Sanderson, R.W., Jeon, J.K., Aman, Z.M., Kennedy, B.F., Hwang, Y., Han, D-W., Hyun, W.H., Guan, K-L., Spatz, J.P., Choi, Y.S. (2019): Volume adaptation controls stem cell mechanotransduction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 11 (49): 45520-45530. *equal contribution
- Di Russo, J., Young, J.L., Balakrishnan, A., Benk, A., Spatz, J.P. (2019): NTA-Co3+-His6 versus NTA-Ni2+-His6 mediated E-Cadherin Surface Immobilization Enhances Cellular Traction. Biomaterials. 192: 171-178.
- Holle, A.W., Young, J.L., Van Vliet, K.J., Kamm, R.D., Discher, D.E., Janmey, P.A., Spatz, J.P. and Saif, M.T. (2018): Cell–Extracellular Matrix Mechanobiology: Forceful Tools and Emerging Needs for Basic and Translational Research. Nano Lett. 18 (1): 1-8.
- Hadden, W.J.*, Young, J.L.*, Holle, A.W.*, McFetridge, M.L., Kim, D.Y., Wijesinghe, P., Taylor-Weiner, H., Wen, J.H., Lee, A.R., Bieback, K., Vo, B-N., Sampson, D.D., Kennedy, B.F., Spatz, J.P., Engler. A.J., and Choi, Y.S. (2017): Stem cell migration and mechanotransduction on linear stiffness gradient hydrogels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 114 (22): 5647-5652. *equal contribution
- Young, J.L., Holle, A.W., and Spatz. J.P. (2015): Nanoscale and mechanical properties of the physiological cell-ECM microenvironment. Exp Cell Res. 343(1): 3-6.
- Young, J.L., Kretchmer, K., Ondeck, M., Zambon, A., Engler, A.J. (2014): Mechanosensitive Kinases Regulate Stiffness-Induced Cardiomyocyte Maturation. Scientific Reports. 4 (6425).
- Young, J.L., Tuler, J., Braden, R., Schup-Magoffin, P., Schaefer, J., Kretchmer, K., Christman, K.L. and Engler, A.J. (2013): In vivo response to dynamic hyaluronic acid hydrogels. Acta Biomaterialia. 9(7): 7151-7157.
- Young, J.L. and Engler, A.J. (2011): Hydrogels with Time-Dependent Mechanical Properties Enhance Cardiomyocyte Differentiation In Vitro. 32(4): 1002-1009.