Dr Shao Huilin

Dr. SHAO Huilin

Associate Head, (Research and Enterprise)

Associate Professor


  • PhD (Biophysics). Harvard University.
  • PhD (Medical Engineering). Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology (HST).
  • Dual BA (Biological Sciences, Physics). Cornell University.

Research Interest

  1. Circulating biomarkers (e.g., exosomes, extracellular vesicles) for noninvasive diagnostics and therapeutics
  2. Novel assay development for point-of-care medical applications
  3. Synthesis, characterization and biomedical applications of organic and inorganic nanomaterials
  4. Integration of microfluidic systems for molecular analyses
  5. Development and implementation of highly sensitive miniaturized magnetic, optical and electrical sensors

We are seeking highly motivated and talented research fellows and students. Please contact Dr. Shao (huilin.shao@nus.edu.sg) if you are interested in joining our team.

Selected Awards & Honours

  1. NUS Early Career Research Award, 2017
  2. L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science National Fellowship, 2016
  3. Independent Investigatorship, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, A*STAR, 2014
  4. Travel Award, IEEE EMBS Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine, 2012
  5. Graduate Student Award, Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, MIT, 2011
  6. James Mills Peirce Award, Harvard University, 2008
  7. Hartman Prize in Experimental Physics, Cornell University, 2007
  8. Hughes Scholar in Biological Sciences, Cornell University, 2006
  9. National Science Scholarship (BS-PhD), A*STAR, 2004

Selected Journal Publications

  1. Sundah NR, Ho NRY, Lim GS, Natalia A, Ding X, Liu Y, Seet JE, Chan CW, Loh TP, Shao H*. Barcoded DNA nanostructures for the multiplexed profiling of subcellular protein distribution. Nature Biomedical Engineering(2019).
  2. Lim CZJ, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Zhao H, Stephenson MC, Ho NRY, Chen Y, Chung J, Reilhac A, Loh TP, Chen CLH, Shao H*. Subtyping of circulating exosome-bound amyloid β reflects brain plaque deposition. Nature Communications, 10, 1144 (2019).
  3. Lim GS, Hor JH, Ho NRY, Wong CY, Ng SY, Soh BS*, Shao H*. Microhexagon gradient array directs spatial diversification of spinal motor neurons. Theranostics, 9, 311-323 (2019).
  4. Ho NRY, Lim GS, Sundah NR, Lim D, Loh TP, Shao H*. Visual and modular detection of pathogen nucleic acids with enzyme-DNA molecular complexes. Nature Communications, 9, 3238 (2018).
  5. Shao H, Im H, Castro CM, Breakefield XO, Weissleder R, Lee H. New technologies for analysis of extracellular vesicles. Chemical Reviews, 118, 1817-1950 (2018).
  6. Shao H, Chung J, Lee K, Balaj L, Min C, Carter BS, Hochberg FH, Breakefield XO, Lee H, Weissleder R. Chip-based analysis of exosomal mRNA mediating drug resistance in glioblastoma. Nature Communications, 6, 6999 (2015).
  7. Lee K, Shao H, Weissleder R, Lee H. Acoustic purification of extracellular microvesicles. ACS Nano, 9, 2321-2327 (2015).
  8. Im H*, Shao H*, Park Y, Peterson VM, Castro CM, Weissleder R, Lee H. Label-free detection and molecular profiling of exosomes with a nano-plasmonic sensor. Nature Biotechnology, 32, 490-495 (2014).
  9. Shao H, Chung J, Balaj L, Charest A, Bigner DD, Carter BS, Hochberg FH, Breakefield XO, Weissleder R, Lee H. Protein typing of circulating microvesicles allows real-time monitoring of glioblastoma therapy. Nature Medicine, 18, 1835-1840 (2012).
  10. Issadore D, Chung J*, Shao H*, Liong M, Ghazani AA, Castro CM, Weissleder R, Lee H. Ultrasensitive clinical enumeration of rare cells ex vivo using a micro-hall detector. Science Translational Medicine, 4, 141ra92 (2012).