Dr Yen Shih-Cheng

Senior Lecturer

Director, Engineering Design & Innovation Centre

Courtesy Appointment – Engineering Design & Innovation Centre

Research Interests

Neural coding, neuroprosthetics, and tele-health

Personal Interests

Playing softball, watching sports and movies


  • McDonnell-Pew Cognitive Neuroscience Program Individual Grants-In-Aid (1998) (one of 23 awarded in the US in 1998)
  • NIH NRSA Fellowship (1998-2001)
    Solomon R. Pollack Award for Best Ph.D. Dissertation (1998)
  • Whitaker Foundation Graduate Fellowship (1993-1998) (one of 29 awarded in the US in 1993)
  • Philadelphia Young Engineer Award (1993)
  • Rose Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Research, University of Pennsylvania (1993)
  • NASSAU Award for Undergraduate Research, University of Pennsylvania (1993)


  • An Apparatus and Method for Quantifying Rehabilitation Exercises Including the Detection of Motor Compensation (Converted)
  • Method and Apparatus for Assisting Movement Rehabilitation (Entered into National Phase)
  • Multi-Channel Neural Signal Amplifier System Providing High CMRR Across An Extended Frequency Range (Granted)
  • Bioamplifier System Having High CMRR Extended To A Higher Frequency Range (Converted)
  • A Method for Real-Time Mobile Vital Signs Monitoring and Indoor Localization without On-Body Gateway (Pending)

Selected Research Papers

(corresponding author role is highlighted in bold, *indicates joint corresponding author)

Neural Coding

  1. Tang C, Herikstad R, Parthasarathy A, Libedinsky C*, Yen S-C* (in press). Minimally Dependent Activity Subspaces for Working Memory and Motor Preparation in the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex. eLife. (IF: 6.83)
  2. Parthasarathy A, Tang C, Herikstad R, Cheong LF, Yen S-C*, Libedinsky C* (2019). Time-invariant working memory representations in the presence of code-morphing in the lateral prefrontal cortex. Nat Commun 10:4995. (IF: 11.8)
  3. Parthasarathy, A., Herikstad, R., Bong, J. H., Medina, F. S., Libedinsky, C.*, & Yen, S. -C.* (2017). Mixed selectivity morphs population codes in prefrontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 20(12), 1770-1779. doi:10.1038/s41593-017-0003-2 (IF: 19.91)
  4. Krishnan, S., Mathuru, A. S., Kibat, C., Rahman, M., Lupton, C. E., Stewart, J., Claridge-Chang, A., Yen, S. -C., & Jesuthasan, S. (2014). The Right Dorsal Habenula Limits Attraction to an Odor in Zebrafish. Current Biology, 24(11), 1167-1175. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.03.073 (IF: 9.25)
  5. Herikstad, R., Baker, J., Lachaux, J. -P., Gray, C. M., & Yen, S. -C. (2011). Natural Movies Evoke Spike Trains with Low Spike Time Variability in Cat Primary Visual Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(44), 15844-15860. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5153-10.2011 (IF: 5.97)
  6. Yen, S. -C., Baker, J., & Gray, C. M. (2007). Heterogeneity in the responses of adjacent neurons to natural stimuli in cat striate cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 97(2), 1326-1341. doi:10.1152/jn.00747.2006 (IF: 2.50)
  7. Yen, S. C., & Finkel, L. H. (1998). Extraction of perceptually salient contours by striate cortical networks. Vision Research, 38(5), 719-741. doi:10.1016/S0042-6989(97)00197-1 (IF: 2.07)


  1. Ng KA, Rusly A, Gammad GGL, Le N, Liu S, Leong K, Zhang M, Ho JS, Yoo J, Yen S (in press) A 3-Mbps, 802.11g-Based EMG Recording System With Fully Implantable 5-Electrode EMGxbrk Acquisition Device. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst 14:889–902. (IF: 4.71)
  2. Peh, W. Y. X., Raczkowska, M. N., Teh, Y., Alam, M., Thakor, N. V., & Yen, S. -C. (2018). Closed-loop stimulation of the pelvic nerve for optimal micturition. Journal of Neural Engineering, 15(6), 066009. doi:10.1088/1741-2552/aadee9 (IF: 3.92)
  3. Peh, W. Y. X., Mogan, R., Thow, X. Y., Chua, S. M., Rusly, A., Thakor, N. V.*, & Yen, S. -C.* (2018). Novel Neurostimulation of Autonomic Pelvic Nerves Overcomes Bladder-Sphincter Dyssynergia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 18 pages. doi:10.3389/fnins.2018.00186 (IF: 3.88)
  4. Hassani, F. A., Peh, W. Y. X., Gammad, G. G. L., Mogan, R. P., Ng, T. K., Kuo, T. L. C., Ng, L. G., Luu, P., Yen, S. -C.*, & Lee, C.* (2017). A 3D Printed Implantable Device for Voiding the Bladder Using Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuators. Advanced Science, 4(11), 10 pages. doi:10.1002/advs.201700143 (IF: 12.44)
  5. Lee, S., Peh, W. Y. X., Wang, J., Yang, F., Ho, J. S., Thakor, N. V., Yen, S. -C.*, & Lee, C.* (2017). Toward Bioelectronic Medicine—Neuromodulation of Small Peripheral Nerves Using Flexible Neural Clip. Advanced Science, 4(11). doi:10.1002/advs.201700149 (IF: 12.44)
  6. Libedinsky, C., So, R., Xu, Z., Kyar, T. K., Ho, D., Lim, C., Chan, L., Chua, Y., Yao, L., Cheong, J. H., Lee, J. H., Vishal, K. V., Guo, Y., Chen, Z. N., Lim, L. K., Li, P., Liu, L., Zou, X., Ang, K.
    K., Gao, Y., Ng, W. H., Han, B. S., Chng, K., Guan, C., Je, M., & Yen, S. -C. (2016). Independent Mobility Achieved through a Wireless Brain-Machine Interface. PLOS ONE, 11(11), 13 pages. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165773 (IF: 2.77)
  7. Xiang, Z., Sheshadri, S., Lee, S. -H., Wang, J., Xue, N., Thakor, N. V., Yen, S. -C.*, & Lee, C.* (2016). Mapping of Small Nerve Trunks and Branches Using Adaptive Flexible Electrodes. Advanced Science, 3(9), 9 pages. doi:10.1002/advs.201500386 (IF: 12.44)
  8. Xiang, Z., Yen, S. -C., Sheshadri, S., Wang, J., Lee, S., Liu, Y. -H., Liao, L. -D., Thakor, N. V., & Lee, C. (2016). Progress of Flexible Electronics in Neural Interfacing – A Self-Adaptive Non- Invasive Neural Ribbon Electrode for Small Nerves Recording. Advanced Materials, 28(22), 4472- 4479. doi:10.1002/adma.201503423 (IF: 21.95)