Prof Lim Keng Hui

What would an organisation that advances scientific discovery and technological innovation like A*STAR look for when hiring research scientists and engineers?

Assistant CEO Prof Lim Keng Hui replied: “We hire people who have a strong foundation in science and technology such as physical sciences and engineering, data science, and design. Apart from the hard skills, the passion to make a difference in society and our environment is just as crucial.”

Adding, Prof Lim said, “We also want employees to pick up and master skills in technology management, project management, as well as soft skills like communications, teamwork, and the ability to be adaptable in this fast-changing world.”

He felt that it’s worthwhile for employees to invest time and effort to undertake a master’s degree or lifelong learning in general. “It’s important to keep up to date on new skills and trends, and to inculcate a habit of continuous learning in our lives so we can be adaptable and relevant to contribute to our organisation and society at large,” stressed Prof Lim.

Among the A*STAR researchers, a number of them read the Master of Science in Management of Technology and Innovation [MSc (MOTI)] offered by the NUS College of Design and Engineering (CDE). The CDE programme, Prof Lim noted, has equipped his researchers with skills to manage the complex issues in technology management and commercialisation.

Prof Lim Keng Hui