MSc (ISE) student - Zhu Hongtao

Hongtao graduated from Tsinghua University with a BEng in Industrial Engineering and applied to the NUS MSc Industrial & Systems Engineering programme shortly after with a clear goal in mind – attaining a PhD degree at NUS ISEM.

“One of the primary reasons I chose to embark on this MSc programme was my desire to broaden my horizons and explore new opportunities beyond my home country, China. I wanted to immerse myself in a more diverse and international environment that would provide me with a wider perspective and greater chances for personal and professional growth. ISEM offered the perfect platform for me to achieve these aspirations.

The curriculum of the ISEM programme immediately caught my attention. The engaging and comprehensive courses captivated me, particularly in the areas of industrial engineering, mathematics, practical applications, and coding. Through these lessons, my knowledge in industrial engineering has been enriched, and I have acquired valuable skills that are highly relevant in today's fast-paced industrial landscape.

Moreover, the ISEM programme has paved the way for my transition towards pursuing a Ph.D. degree. The excellent academic environment and the guidance of Associate Professor Chen Nan have inspired me to further my studies and contribute to the field of data-driven approaches for manufacturing and service operations. I am excited to embark on my Ph.D. journey at ISEM, leveraging the knowledge and research skills I have developed during my MSc studies.

Looking ahead, I envision tremendous growth for myself over the next three years. As I delve deeper into my research work on data-driven approaches, I aim to make significant contributions in this field and carve a path at the forefront of scientific inquiry. I am eager to make my mark and bring a unique perspective to the realm of industrial engineering.

Beyond academia, I see myself thriving holistically by leveraging my expertise in the industry. After completing my studies, I intend to stay in Singapore and apply my knowledge and skills within organizations. I am confident that the solid foundation provided by the ISEM programme, combined with my dedication and passion, will enable me to make meaningful contributions to the industry and excel in my chosen career path.

In conclusion, I am immensely grateful for the opportunities and growth I have experienced through the MSc Programme in Industrial System Engineering Management. The knowledge, skills, and guidance I have received have been invaluable in shaping my academic and professional journey. I highly recommend the ISEM programme to aspiring students who seek a transformative educational experience and a gateway to future success in industrial engineering and beyond.”


Zhu Hongtao