Did you know…

Did you know that Tim Cook is an Industrial Engineer?

Tim Cook earned his degree in Industrial Engineering in 1982. During his tenure at Apple as COO, Tim was responsible for the company’s worldwide operations and sales, including end-to-end management of Apple’s supply chain, sales activities and service/support in all markets and countries. One of his accomplishments was pulling Apple out of manufacturing in-house. This helped the company reduce overall inventory levels and streamline its supply chain, dramatically increasing margins.

Did you know that the Singapore port is the largest and busiest transshipment port in the world?*

Planning and operating a mega port is no easy feat. The success of the port depends on our ability to select the right facility layout, conduct optimal berth planning for incoming vessels, have well-organized yard allocation for dwelling containers, and perform efficient deployment and routing of container trucks inside the terminal. Industrial and Systems Engineering addresses these problems by employing various skills and tools that are well-grounded on multiple mathematical and computational concepts and techniques.

*Source: MPA Singapore

Did you know that Singapore was ranked first for efficient health care by Bloomberg?*

The fundamental challenge in health care is the provision of world-class quality patient care through efficient utilization of expensive resources. Modern hospitals are complex organizations which are systems of systems with high degree of interconnections. Challenging problems that need to be addressed include scheduling of patient appointments, surgical operations and their associated logistics, nurses and doctors rostering, etc. Industrial and Systems Engineering provide vital support for the planning and decision making for all these problems at various levels ranging from strategic management to day-to-day operations.
*Source: Bloomberg