Student Medal and Prizes

INTEL Medal and Prize

In 2007, Intel Technology Sdn. Bhd. donated an expendable fund of S$15,000 towards the establishment of a gold medal and a cash prize to recognize outstanding and deserving Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial and Systems Engineering) undergraduate students.
The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to Rule 3 below, a gold medal and a cash prize of $400 will be awarded to the best all-round student who has passed the Final Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial & Systems Engineering) with a GPA of at least 4.0 and has a distinguished record in either extra-curricular activities or public service in Singapore during the undergraduate period.
  2. The award will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners and the Head of Department.
  3. No award will be awarded unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  4. In the event of there being more than one candidate of equal merit, the Board of Examiners and the Head of Department will take into consideration the performance of the candidates during the year as well as their examination results.
  5. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.
Class of 2024 Ying Fangfei Anna
Class of 2023 Koh Tze Yee
Class of 2022 Tan De Jun
Class of 2021 Wong Jia Jin
Class of 2020 Xue Guanying
Class of 2019 Li Dongyu
Class of 2018 Andy Soh Wei Zhi
Class of 2017 Ong Zhi Hao Titus
Class of 2016 Aw Gan Zik Darrell
Class of 2015 Marsela Limesa
Class of 2014 Gan Wei Yi
Class of 2013 Hanny Kusumawardhani
Class of 2012 Lee Guan Wei Daniel
Class of 2011 Ling Xiangmin
Class of 2010 Au Weihua
Class of 2009 Tang Shengyue
Class of 2008 Zhou Qi