Master of Science (Industrial and Systems Engineering)


The Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering (MSc ISE) programme is designed to provide graduate level education to prepare individuals for a lifelong career addressing critical engineering and managerial decision making in the manufacturing and service sectors. It equips students with core competency and skills in data analytics, optimization, system engineering, decision making, and project management and decarbonization analytics. The programme also emphasizes on the application of ISE knowledge in solving real life problems and challenges.

The programme is ideal for professionals who have increasing responsibilities in management and decision making. It is also suitable for all engineering and science students who want to advance their career in data science, logistics, business analytics, etc. Beside that, the programme also enable the graduates to attain the level of proficiency to help businesses and organisations meet their decarbonization goals. It ensure that our graduates remain relevant and in high demand in the emerging green wave.

Domain-specific focus in the programme is also available for those who wish to deepen their understanding in any of the following areas of specialisation:

  • Data Analytics (DA)
  • Engineering and Service Management (ESM)
  • Operations Research (OR)
  • Systems Engineering (SE)
  • Decarbonization Analytics (DCA)
Admission & Fee