Visiting Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management


  • Ph.D in Decision Sciences, INSEAD, Jun 2008
  • M.Phil in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jul 2003
  • B.Eng in Industrial Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, July 2001

Research Interests

  • Retail Analytics
  • Demand Forecasting with Machine Learning
  • Inventory and Supply Chain Management


Working Experience

Dept. of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • Visiting Associate Professor, Oct 2023 – current

DChain (Digital Supply Chain), Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China

  • Director of Forecasting Algorithms, Aug 2019 – Sep 2023
  • Visiting Scholar, Jan 2019 – Jul 2019

Dept. of Analytics & Operations, School of Business, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • Associate Professor (with tenure), Jul 2015 – Jul 2019
  • Assistant Professor, Jul 2008 – Jul 2015


Selected Publications

  • Wang, Yang, Tong Wang, Xiaoqing Wang, Yuming Deng, Lei Cao. 2023. Data-driven Order Fulfillment Consolidation for Online Grocery Retailing. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, forthcoming.
  • Tang, Wenjie, Tong Wang, Wenxin Xu. 2022. Sooner or Later? The Role of Adoption Timing in New Technology Introduction. Production and Operations Management 31(4) 1663–1678.
  • Boyabatli, Onur, Quang D. Nguyen, Tong Wang. 2017. Capacity Management in Agricultural Commodity Processing and Application in the Palm Industry. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19(4) 551—567.
  • Jain, Aditya, Nils Rudi, Tong Wang. 2015. Demand Estimation and Ordering under Censoring: Stock-out timing is (almost) all you need. Operations Research 63(1) 134-–150.
  • Wang, Tong, Atalay Atasu, Mumin Kurtulus. 2012. A Multiordering Newsvendor Model with Dynamic Forecast Evolution. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 14(3) 472–484.
  • Wang, Tong, Beril Toktay. 2008. Inventory Management with Advance Demand Information and Flexible Delivery. Management Science 54(4) 716–732.