
Bachelor of Engineering (ISE) programme

To ensure that ISE students are prepared and ready for the workforce, the curriculum has been designed with an emphasis on group projects that involve students tackling real industry problems. Through these projects, our students are exposed to the challenges faced across various industries. In addition, they are trained on how to efficiently come up with practical solutions and gain a better appreciation of what it means to be an effective team player.The core principle of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) centers around solving real world problems and optimizing existing solutions via a systematic approach backed by data and experience. ISE undergraduates are trained to undergo and utilize rigorous research and data analysis to come up with innovative and efficient solutions.

A key feature of our program is that all our undergraduates will undertake a two semesters project where they will be attached to a company as consultants to study and analyze an actual industrial problem. The students will work closely with a company representative to understand the problem and develop practical solutions to address it. At the end of the project, students will present their findings and recommendations to the company’s management. Through this project, our students demonstrate the value that they can bring to an organization. It is not uncommon to hear of students receiving job offers at the end of their projects.

Find out more here.

All of us are familiar with the MRT system here in Singapore. Perhaps, one of your biggest gripes is that it is too packed during peak hours. If you were commissioned to address this problem, how would you go about it?

Would you consider building a longer train to increase the train capacity? There are many factors to take into consideration here: whether we can extend the existing trains (or they will need to be completely replaced),  the need to modify the train stations to accommodate this, whether this change should affect the train intervals and the speed of the train, whether there will be a change in passenger fares. An Industrial and Systems Engineer takes such factors into consideration when determining a project’s feasibility and practicality with the aid of virtual simulations and mathematical models.

The BEng(ISE) programme may be pursued as part of a double-degree programme or with other options.

Check our admission requirements.

The ISE programme is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) of Singapore, which is a signatory of the Washington Accord. This means that as our graduate, you will be accepted for the practice of engineering at the professional level, as well as for graduate studies, in countries that are part of this Accord, including USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea.