
Overview of the Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) programme

The B.Eng (ME) curriculum is typically spread over four years of full-time study, leading directly to an honours degree. The early semesters provide hands-on experiences in foundational engineering subjects, such as design and systems-thinking. Throughout the programme, you also build a broad base in mechanical engineering fundamentals, which you put into practice through an internship, along with a capstone group design project or an individual research-based project. You may gain deeper insights into a specific area by choosing one of five specialisations, or experience a different culture through various study abroad options. Our programme is designed to give you flexibility and well-rounded perspectives on top of technical depth and rigour, so you are prepared for a professional career as a mechanical engineer, as well as for higher studies.

See our curriculum for details on what you will learn.

The BEng (ME) programme may be pursued as part of a double-degree programme, or with other options.

Check our Admission Requirements.


The B.Eng (ME) programme is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) of Singapore, which is a signatory of the Washington Accord. This means that as our graduate, you will be accepted for the practice of engineering at the professional level, as well as for graduate studies, in countries that are part of this Accord, including USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea.