25 November 2020

A/P Duong Hai Minh and team’s upcycled aerogels wins IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award

A/Prof Duong Hai Minh (centre) and team with their aerogels

Congrats to Associate Professor Duong Hai Minh and team for winning the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award! The winning project, titled “Recycling Various Wastes into High-Valued Engineering Aerogel Materials”, entails the creation of light and strong aerogels from a variety of waste materials such as pineapple leaves, old tyres, coffee grounds and plastic bottles – for a tenth of the cost and 18 times faster compared to standard aerogels. During manufacturing, no toxic solvent is used; much less energy is being consumed; and no toxic waste is disposed into the environment. Additionally, the aerogels can also be reused and recycled.

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Some of the team’s aerogel projects thus far:


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