20 November 2020
BeeX wins Pier71 Smart Port Challenge

NUS spin-off BeeX wins Smart Port Challenge 2020

BeeX wins Pier71 Smart Port Challenge
Heartiest congratulations to the BeeX team for winning the top prize in the fourth Smart Port Challenge organised by PIER71!

BeeX CEO and co-founder Ms Grace Chia, also an NUS Mechanical Engineering alumna, received the award from Mr Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of State for Transport and Foreign Affairs (pictured) on 17 November 2020.

BeeX is a marine robotics start-up which develops and deploys autonomous, submersible vehicles for underwater inspections.

Read more in Straits Times article


The SPC is a core programme under Port Innovation Ecosystem Reimagined @ BLOCK71 (PIER71), a collaboration between the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and NUS Enterprise, the entrepreneurial arm of the National University of Singapore (NUS). The fourth edition of the SPC received 187 applications from start-ups around the world and was conducted online for the first time. Many of these applications seek to automate processes and reduce reliance on manpower through solutions such as robots for hull cleaning, and virtual walkthrough of vessels for ship inspections, which is particularly beneficial in light of COVID-19. From the pool of highly qualified proposals received, 16 were selected, putting their teams into PIER71 Accelerate, a six-week market validation and customer discovery programme.

Focusing on areas such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, Internet of Things and robotics, all 16 finalists will be eligible to apply to MPA for a grant of up to S$50,000 to embark on pilot projects with maritime companies.


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