10 August 2021

ME students win IKEA SEA Young Designer Award in challenge to tackle food waste

Congratulations to our Mechanical Engineering (ME) undergraduate students Darren Lim, Ho Min Kent and Mitchell Chan for winning the IKEA Southeast Asea’s Young Designer Award 2021! The challenge called for ideas to tackle food waste, and the team came out tops with their project “U-Life”.

Mitchell also shared about his team’s winning design on MoneyFM 89.3 – listen to the interview here: https://www.moneyfm893.sg/guest/corinna-schuler-and-mitchell-chan-ikea/

Other ME students whose teams won 2nd runner-up and the People’s Choice Award include Lim Jia Wei and Ricky Theodore! Great job guys!

Find out more about the awards and the teams behind them here: https://yda.sea-ikea.com/sg/en/winners

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