1 December 2021
Smtd202170055 Gra 0001 M[1]

Publication in Small Methods by PhD student Zeng Qibin and team

NUS Mechanical Engineering PhD student, Zeng Qibin, is first author of the article “Breaking the Fundamental Limitations of Nanoscale Ferroelectric Characterization: Non-Contact Heterodyne Electrostrain Force Microscopy”, published in Small Methods (Volume 5, Issue 11) (Impact Factor: 14.188) by Wiley, and also featured on the inside front cover of the issue.

Zeng QB and team have developed a new SPM technique for nanoscale ferroelectric characterization, namely non-contact heterodyne electrostrain force microscopy (NC-HEsFM). NC-HEsFM breaks the fundamental limitations of the conventionally used piezoresponse force microscopy method by providing a brand-new non-contact yet non-destructive, high-resolution, non-optical, electrostatic force effect-eliminated, highly extreme environments compatible, and multi-functional ferroelectric characterization solution.

The article can be found here: https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.202170055

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