Gregory S. CHIRIKJIAN (on LOA)


Applied Mechanics | Control & Mechatronics

Professor Gregory Scott Chirikjian joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NUS in 2019 and was the Head of Department from 2019 to 2023. Prior to joining NUS, he was a Professor at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). He had served as Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in JHU from 2004 to 2007. His research interests include robotics, applications of group theory in a variety of engineering disciplines, and the mechanics of biological macromolecules. He is a 1993 National Science Foundation Young Investigator, a 1994 Presidential Faculty Fellow, and a 1996 recipient of the ASME Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal. In 2008, he became a Fellow of the ASME, and in 2010 he became a Fellow of the IEEE. He is the author of more than 200 journal and conference papers and primary author on three books: Engineering Applications of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis (2001) and Stochastic Models, Information Theory, and Lie Groups, Vols. 1+2. (2009, 2011). In 2016, an expanded edition of his 2001 book came out as a Dover book under the new title: Harmonic Analysis for Engineers and Applied Scientists.