
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

  1. Depth in fundamental knowledge of core civil engineering disciplines
  2. Breadth in integrative skills to apply knowledge across disciplines
  3. Appreciation of interactions between engineering, business and technology in modern society
  4. Drive for life-long learning and continuous self-development
  5. Understanding of their role as civil engineers in the sustainable developments of society at the national and global context

Build Your Own Degree - Civil Engineering

We offer an exciting undergraduate curriculum structure that gives you a greater choice, breadth and flexibility in charting your learning journey. 

Unrestricted Electives: Within and Beyond Engineering

The NUS curriculum structure allows you to take Unrestricted Elective Courses (UEC), allowing you to explore greater breadth or depth in any subject and at any level. 

If you wish to go deeper within your chosen engineering discipline, you may opt to read a Specialization. If you prefer to broaden your knowledge and skills in a complementary or contrasting area, consider taking a Minor or Second Major.   

You may choose to focus in either Digitalization, Climate and Sustainability, Project Management, or any area of your interest with a combination of Specialization, Minor and Second Major.  The possibilities are endless for you to carve your career path. 

In the new Engineering curriculum, students have 40 units of space for Unrestricted Electives. This means you will have the flexibility of taking a second major, a minor and specialisation, two minors, or two specialisations with your UEC. These fit well into your degree structure without you having to delay graduation. Carve your career path with endless possibilities.

Check out our Alumni video series here as they share about NUS Engineering journey

Other options of using your UEC space include:

  • Enhancement Courses: experiential learning opportunities for innovation and research within FOE
  • Design Your Own Course (DYOC): students may choose what they want to learn, how they wish to learn, and from whom they wish to learn, for up to 8 units
  • Career Catalyst: foundational module to kickstart students’ preparation for internships and their future careers

Specialization in Digital Urban Infrastructure

Specialisation Cve

Second Major  Programmes

A second major represents an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge and capacities by pursuing a second major alongside their primary major. The second major affords a significant degree of depth, although its unit requirement is set below that of the primary major. It may be taken in the same Faculty that offers the major or from a different Faculty. The second major will be mentioned in the student’s transcript upon successful completion.

Examples of second Majors that could be of interest to Civil Engineering students:

For more information on second Major programmes click here.

Minor Programmes

Choose 50 minors across nine different Faculties and Schools in NUS.

Examples of minors taken by current Engineering students

You can declare or apply for a second major or minor no later than the fifth semester of your study. Application for a specialisation usually takes place at the end of your fourth semester.
The faculty offers a list of minor programs but there are many programs offered by other faculties as well. Please refer to minor listing website.

Student Curricula