Walter Lee Adjunct Associate Professor


Adjunct Associate Professor Walter Lee has been in senior management leadership roles for the past 34 years in various multi-national corporations such as NEC, IBM, HP and Singapore Airlines.

He is the Head and Senior Director at NEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, and leads a commercial sales team for managed services.

He was the CEO of the e-Cop Group of companies in the cybersecurity business and the Senior Vice President and Head of the Technology Transfer Network at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore.

Walter has a MBA from the Golden Gate University of San Francisco, Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering from NUS, Graduate Diploma in Research from the University of South Australia and Graduate Diploma in Marketing from the Marketing Institute of Singapore.

He is a Exco member of both the SGTech Smart Nation Chapter and the Singapore Computer Society AI Ethics and Governance Special Interest Group.