The University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI USA
- PhD., Industrial and Systems Engineering, August 2010
- Thesis Topic: Discrete Event Sequence Modeling and Analysis: With Applications in Production and Service Systems
- Advisor: Professor Shiyu Zhou M.S., Statistics, May 2010 M.S., Computer Science, May 2009
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China B.S., Automation, July 2006
- Honored thesis: Case based reasoning in microarray data analysis
- Distinguished undergraduates
 Research Interests
- System informatics and prognostic health management
- Performance modeling & surveillance of service systems
- Statistical quality & process control
- Applied Statistics
 Selected Publications
- Dong, H., Chen, N., and Wang, K. (2018) Modeling and Change Detection for Count-weighted Multi-layer Networks, under review.
- Zhu, J., and Chen, N.* (2018) Estimation of Bearing Remaining Useful Life based on Multiscale Convolutional Neural Network, under 2nd review.
- Peng, W., Ye, Z., and Chen, N. (2018) Joint RUL Prediction of Multiple Systems with Multivariate Degradation, under revision.
- Wang, W., Chen, N., Chen, X., and Yang, L. (2018) A Variational Inference-based Heteroscedastic Gaussian Process Approach for Simulation Metamodeling, submitted.
- Zhang, C., and Chen, N.* (2018) Statistical Analysis of Stochastic Simulation Output from Parallel Computing, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, accepted.
- Ren, H., Chen, N.*, and Wang, Z. (2018) Phase-II Monitoring in Multichannel Profile Observations, Journal of Quality Technology, accepted.
- Sun, Q., Ye, Z., and Chen, N. (2018) Optimal Inspection and Replacement Policies for MultiUnit Systems Subject to Degradation, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(1), 401 – 413.
- Dong, H., Chen, N., and Wang, K. (2017+) Wafer Yield Prediction using Derived Spatial Variables, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, accepted.