Associate Professor

Deputy Head (Graduate Programmes)

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management


The University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI USA

  • PhD., Industrial and Systems Engineering, August 2010
  • Thesis Topic: Discrete Event Sequence Modeling and Analysis: With Applications in Production and Service Systems
  • Advisor: Professor Shiyu Zhou M.S., Statistics, May 2010 M.S., Computer Science, May 2009

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China B.S., Automation, July 2006

  • Honored thesis: Case based reasoning in microarray data analysis
  • Distinguished undergraduates

 Research Interests

  • System informatics and prognostic health management
  • Performance modeling & surveillance of service systems
  • Statistical quality & process control
  • Applied Statistics

 Selected Publications

  1. Dong, H., Chen, N., and Wang, K. (2018) Modeling and Change Detection for Count-weighted Multi-layer Networks, under review.
  2. Zhu, J., and Chen, N.* (2018) Estimation of Bearing Remaining Useful Life based on Multiscale Convolutional Neural Network, under 2nd review.
  3. Peng, W., Ye, Z., and Chen, N. (2018) Joint RUL Prediction of Multiple Systems with Multivariate Degradation, under revision.
  4. Wang, W., Chen, N., Chen, X., and Yang, L. (2018) A Variational Inference-based Heteroscedastic Gaussian Process Approach for Simulation Metamodeling, submitted.
  5. Zhang, C., and Chen, N.* (2018) Statistical Analysis of Stochastic Simulation Output from Parallel Computing, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, accepted.
  6. Ren, H., Chen, N.*, and Wang, Z. (2018) Phase-II Monitoring in Multichannel Profile Observations, Journal of Quality Technology, accepted.
  7. Sun, Q., Ye, Z., and Chen, N. (2018) Optimal Inspection and Replacement Policies for MultiUnit Systems Subject to Degradation, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(1), 401 – 413.
  8. Dong, H., Chen, N., and Wang, K. (2017+) Wafer Yield Prediction using Derived Spatial Variables, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, accepted.