Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Master of Science by coursework programmes admission applications can be found at CDE (Graduate Programme) website.

Following is the list of FAQs pertaining to the Master of Science (Computer Engineering).

1. What is the maximum candidature of the MSc Computer Engineering programme?
The maximum candidature for Full-Time students is 2 years.
The maximum candidature for Part-Time students is 4 years.

2. How many admission intakes are there for the MSc Computer Engineering programme?
We have 2 intake per academic year. Candidates will be admitted at the beginning of each semester of the academic year i.e. either August or January.

3. If I am successful in my application, can I defer admission?
MSc applicants are usually not considered for deferment of admissions.  You are to reapply for the subsequent admissions exercise or when circumstances permit. New students who have completed their registration formalities (Part 1 & 2) may request for leave of absence for up to 1 semester online through MyEduRec.

4. I am an International applicant. Can I apply for Part-Time programme?
International applicant is only eligible to apply for the Full-Time programme, unless the applicant has valid employment/work pass issued by Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to remain in Singapore. In the event that the employment/work pass has to be surrendered, the student will have to convert to full time programme and apply for a student pass, in order for student to remain in Singapore legally to pursue his studies at NUS.

5. I missed the application deadline. Can I still apply?
No. Please apply for the next intake instead.

6. Is there an acceptance fee?
Yes. Successful applicants will be required to pay an acceptance fee upon accepting the offer for admission to the programme. Do note that the acceptance fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. You may refer to the ‘Fees and Financial Information’ ECE webpage for more details. 

7. When will I know the outcome of my application?
The outcome of the application will be released in batches from March to mid-May (for August intake), or from September to mid-November (for January intake). Successful applicant will be given approximately 12~14 calendar days to decide if to accept the offer.

8. Can I provide additional supporting documents after I’ve submitted my application?
Due to the high volume of applications received, we are unable to accept any requests for uploading documents and/or updating of particulars. Applicants are responsible to ensure that all details are accurate, and all required documents are uploaded correctly before making a submission online. Applicants may be contacted by email should NUS require further documentary evidence. 

9. Why is my application not successful?
There are several factors that are considered for admission such as relevant academic qualifications, relevant work experience (if required) capacity of the programme etc.  Applications are assessed on a competitive basis based on merit for the whole intake.

10. Can I do internship or attachment?

No. The MSc programme does not have internship or attachment component.

11. Can I work while holding a student pass?

Yes, only on part-time basis but limited to maximum 16 hours per week during term time, in accordance with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) and Ministry of Manpower (MOM) regulations. Students should note that commitments from part-time employment will not be accepted as valid reasons for absences, uncompleted work, late submission of work, or poor performance, and may lead to exclusion from certain full-time programmes.

12. How many courses can I read in a semester?

A Full-Time student is allowed to read a minimum of 4 Units and up to a maximum of 20 Units, including compulsory Project courses for Specialisation, in a semester.

A Part-Time student is allowed to read a minimum of 4 Units and up to a maximum of 12 Units, including compulsory Project courses for Specialisation, in a semester.

Students will be limited to a maximum of 40 Units in their overall candidature. Exception may be granted for students who are repeating a failed course or taking an alternative course to earn the units of the failed course(s), or for students who did not maintain the minimum GPA and falls under an academic warning/probation status. 

13. Can a Part-Time student complete the degree requirement early?

The student can submit an appeal to request for early completion of the degree requirement, but will still be subjected to maximum workload of 12 Units per semester. It will be reviewed and subject to approval on case-by-case basis. The student is also expected to pay 100% tuition fee.

14. Can I attend lessons online due to COVID-19?

All students (unless restricted by immigration) must be in Singapore during term time. NUS is complying with all government directives and safety measures related to the pandemic and student health and safety is our top priority. Based on the prevailing safe management measures (SMMs), NUS will hold in person classes if possible. 

In the situation where classes or assessments are conducted in-person, students who are not in Singapore after Semester has begun, may find themselves unable to complete their courses and may be required to drop courses or take Leave of absence (LOA). No special arrangements will be made for remote learning or online assessments/exams if the default mode is in-person classes/assessments.

For registered students (upon card activation), fees paid will not be refundable. This applies to request to take LOA or withdrawal of candidature after the 2nd instructional week of the semester.

15. How do I select the Specialisation?

Students who are enrolled at NUS may select their Specialisation at the beginning of their 1st semester during course registration period.

16. Can I change my Specialisation half way through the candidature?

Yes. You are allowed to change your Specialisation but only at the beginning of every new semester (including your graduation semester). Do ensure that you satisfy the course requirements as prescribed under the Specialisation that you have chosen.

17. Can a student opt for more than 1 choice of specialisation?


18. Will the Specialisation be printed on my degree scroll?

No. The Specialisation if awarded will be printed on the official academic transcripts only.

19. What happens if I do not satisfy the Specialisation requirements that I have selected?

The opted Specialisation will be removed and student will graduate with the Master of Science (Computer Engineering) degree with no Specialisation mentioned in the transcript.

20. Are there rebate for Singapore Citizen, Singapore Permanent Resident, and/or NUS Alumni? 

Yes.  Rebate will be given for Singapore Citizen, Singapore Permanent Resident, and/or NUS Alumni.  The rebate amount will be published at the Fees and Financial Information page for the relevant intake, and this will be offset for students from their programme fee.

21. How do I know if I am considered an NUS Alumnus?

You are an NUS alumnus if you have graduated from the National University of Singapore, or one of its five predecessor institutions i.e. King Edward VII College of Medicine, Raffles College, University of Malaya, Nanyang University and University of Singapore. All graduates awarded with an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, or graduate diploma are accorded alumni status.

22. Can a student request for changes in the instalment plan?

No. Students are to adhere to the installment plan as stated in the Fees & Financial Information page.

23. Will a Full-Time student be charged additional tuition fees, if he/she decides to complete the programme in 1.5 or 2 years?

There will be no tuition fees chargeable in their 3rd or 4th semesters as the tuition fees has already been paid fully in the 1st two semesters, while the student is still within the maximum candidature. However, a student is still liable to pay the Miscellaneous Student Fee in each semester.

24. If I need to apply Leave of Absence (LOA) during my 2nd or 3rd semester, do I continue paying the installment for the semester that I am on LOA?

Students who require leave of one semester (term) or more should obtain approval in advance of the semester. The installment tuition fee payment will continue upon your return in the next semester.

But if a student applies for semester (term) leave of absence after Instructional Week 2, he/she is liable to pay fees (tuition and miscellaneous) for the entire semester. Not having attended any class or not having utilised university's resources are invalid reasons for exemption from fee payment.

25. Will a Full-Time/Part-Time student be charged additional tuition fees if the maximum candidature is exceeded?

Note that the extension of the candidature is normally not allowed. It may be considered only for very exceptional circumstances for genuine reasons. In that case, an additional tuition fee is chargeable based on the prevailing rate.