Undergraduate Student Council

About Us

The ECE Undergraduate Student Council (USC) functions as the representative of the undergraduate student body and collaborates closely with the ECE department to tackle student concerns, opinions, suggestions, and participate in certain department decision-making processes.

Our goal is to offer a holistic and enriching experience for ECE students through an extensive array of activities.

10th USC Induction Ceremony Group Photo

10th USC Executive Committee and Advisors

Our Objectives

The USC holds a primary role as a representative body for the ECE cohort. Our foremost intention and responsibility are to support and assist the student body in addressing any challenges they may encounter during their time at NUS. Given the challenging demands of the EE and CEG programs, it is not uncommon for students to face difficulties. Our objective is to actively listen, be attentive to those in need, and empathise with our fellow students. Through close collaboration with the department, we strive to provide effective solutions to these concerns and improve the overall experience for everyone. The USC brings the presidents of the ECE related student clubs together to work collaboratively and synergistically, and will provide checks and balances as needed.

To offer ECE students a comprehensive and fulfilling experience, we organise a diverse array of activities that encompass both career development and student life aspects. These initiatives are designed to enrich the academic journey, enabling students to cultivate strong relationships and lay the groundwork for meaningful careers beyond their studies. By actively engaging with these activities, we hope that the student body can develop a well-rounded experience at NUS, fostering personal growth and preparing them for a successful future.

Meet Our Team

The USC primarily comprises of year 1 to year 4 EE and CEG cohort representatives, ECE scholars, and the presidents of three student clubs, namely, the ECE Club, IEEE NUS Student Branch and IEEE HKN NUS Chapter.

Our Initiatives

As representatives of the ECE student body, the USC holds the privilege and responsibility of addressing various concerns, which encompass courses, student life activities, and mental health, among others. Consequently, the USC is an integral part of the SSLC,  which is a semester meeting with professors, module coordinators, faculty representatives, and other relevant parties to deliberate on the aforementioned issues.

Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC)

The USC wholeheartedly backs the career development of ECE students. To this end, we work closely with the ECE Department to organise the annual Internships and Career Fair (ICF), where we extend invitations to more than 20 renowned employers seeking ECE graduates. This event has seen tremendous success in previous years, attracting over 700 students in a single day.

Internships and Career Fair (ICF) Company Booths
Internships and Career Fair (ICF) Food Distribution

The committee has the opportunity to participate in the different aspects of events planning such as logistics, sponsorship, financial. Additionally, the committee gets to interact with the Human Resource Managers representing these esteemed companies.

To extend a warm welcome to incoming freshmen, the USC organises the annual Freshmen Welcome Party (FWP). During this event, freshmen have the opportunity to forge new friendships beyond their classrooms through various bonding activities and enjoy a delectable dinner, all free of charge!

Freshmen Welcome Party (FWP) Group Photo
Freshmen Welcome Party (FWP) Food Distribution

Moreover, they can meet their academic advisors, who offer guidance on a wide range of academic matters, including module selections and specialisations. Our aim is to provide freshmen with a brief respite from the bustling university life that ensues after their academic journey begins.

The USC annually hosts a graduation party dedicated to the graduating cohorts. Our involvement includes sourcing for suitable event venues, meticulously planning the event flow and performances, and procuring gifts and merchandise. This initiative is designed to offer graduating seniors one final, unforgettable gathering with their batchmates before bidding farewell to NUS.

Graduation Farewell Party Games Session
Graduation Farewell Party Photo Booth

The USC takes pride in hosting a variety of new initiatives and events, which are shaped by student feedback and internal discussions. For instance, in response to the cohort's desire for increased student life activities, we organised events like a board game day, a bubble tea distribution, and a movie night.

Bubble Tea Welfare Distribution
“Interstellar” Movie Night

We are enthusiastic about conducting more of these distinctive events and are open to exploring further options if there is enough interest and support from the student body. If you share our vision of arranging meaningful and enjoyable events for the cohort, we encourage you to join us in making it happen!

Want to know more? Contact us!

We are here to assist. Contact us via our social media channels.



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