Course Registration Guide


The following information is prepared for ECE Research (PhD, MEng, EngD) and Coursework (MSc) students.


Course Registration at Education Records System (CourseReg@EduRec) is the University’s consolidated course registration platform for all NUS Graduate, Undergraduate, Non-Graduating and Continuing & Professional Education students.

In the CourseReg@EduRec, students will be able to select courses, submit course requests (cross dept, undergrad course, non-prescribed course) and submit course appeals.

Allocation of courses is not on first-come-first-serve basis. The allocation run by the course registration system is driven by rules and priority-based engine. Students may view the results of allocation of courses (ie. successful or unsuccessful) after each round ends.

For more details and user guides on using CourseReg@EduRec, visit the official webpage at

By default, Classes and Exams will be held in-person throughout the semester. Those unable to be in Singapore, may be advised to apply for LOA (not applicable to NGRD or CPE students); or not select our ECE graduate course.


Select Course Total 3 rounds

– Round 1,2 & 3

(returning and new students)

  • ECE Graduate level Course (4 Units) specific to enrolled programme (prescribed list of courses).
  • Not applicable for project component such as EE5001/EE5002/EE5003 or CEG5001/CEG5002/CEG5003 or EEK5001/EEK5003/EE5888 (Internship) which requires manual enrolment.
  • Graduate English Course by CELC for research students
Submit Course Request Total 1 round

(during Round 2 only)

  • Cross Dept/Faculty course
  • Courses outside of programme prescribed list (Not applicable to MSc STO prog students).
  • Undergraduate level 4 courses (Not applicable to MSc STO and EngD prog students).
  • ECE Graduate level 6000 courses (applicable to ECE MSc EE and MSc CEG prog students only)

Refer to detailed schedule at CourseReg webpage.

ECE graduate students to use the "Select Course" function for courses that is within the basket of prescribed courses for stated programme. This may or may not list courses that are not hosted by ECE Department.

This function has 3 rounds (Round 1 to 3).
Round 1 to 3 is open to all ECE graduate students. Students may use the consecutive rounds for attemp in selection of courses for the allocation run.

For details on how each round is conducted, you may refer to flowcharts and schedule for graduate students at the CourseReg@EduRec official page.

ECE graduate students may use the "Submit Course Request" function if making an application for:
- Graduate level courses not hosted by ECE Dept.
- Graduate level courses not within the prescribed basket of courses for ECE graduate programme (Not applicable to MSc STO programme students).
- Undergraduate (UG) level courses. Do note that only relevant level 4000 course can be considered (Not applicable to MSc STO and EngD programme students).

This function is only available for 1 round (during Round 2 as per CourseReg schedule).

For details on how the round is conducted, you may refer to flowcharts and schedule for graduate students at the CourseReg@EduRec official page.

*ECE Research students, please refer to the Dept’s email announcement on additional steps to be taken.

Due to changes in programme structure and tuition fees for various MSc programme in NUS, students may now incur additional charges (per course basis) for enrolling in Cross-Programme/Department/Faculty courses. Such charges (if applicable) will depend on the course host offering department and will be billed to student on top of the tuition fee in the applicable semester. Login to the ECE student e-station in Graduate Programme > Announcement and Notices > Announcement posted/edited on 13 July 2023.

A student may drop a course he/she is enrolled in so long as the remaining Units meet the minimum workload requirement.

When dropping a course, students should be mindful of the “W” and “F” grade penalty period (refer to Academic Calendar). Course dropped with a "F" grade penalty will have impact on student's GPA.

In general, students will be able to drop courses via the [Drop Classes] function before the “F” grade period.

Courses such as seminars, IA, RA, MSc project are not droppable.

The function to drop courses is disabled during the ‘F’ grade effective period. ECE students will need to contact ECE Dept Office for assistance.

Penalty Impact

Penalty Period

Semester 1

Penalty Period

Semester II

Drop course with ‘W’ (Withdrawn) grade

Note: Course will appear on student’s record and transcripts with the status “Withdrawn” and will not be included in the computation of GPA.

26 August 2024 (0000hrs)


29 September 2024 (2359hrs)

27 January 2025 (0000hrs)


2 March 2025 (2359hrs)

Drop course with ‘F’ (Failed) grade

Note: Course will appear on student’s record and transcripts with the status “Failed” and carry a grade point of zero. It will be included in the computation of GPA.

From 30 September 2024 (0000hrs)

From 3 March 2025 (0000hrs)

For the CourseReg Schedule and Appeal Timeline, refer to:

To facilitate efficient handling of appeals, students should select the correct appeal type.

Avoid using appeal type ‘Issues While Selecting Courses’ for unsuccessful allocation of courses, unfulfilled requisite requirements, EE4 or Cross-Faculty course requests.

Students should select the courses that they want during the registration rounds. If you are unsuccessful in securing a course in Round 1, you are advised to continue to exercise your selection attempt in the subsequent registration Rounds 2 and 3.


Unable to fulfil requisites
  • ECE graduate students are required to obtain course lecturer's approval via email and to upload the approved email (only 1 pdf file) as a supporting document when submitting the appeal.
  • Appeals without the supporting document will be rejected. Do note that approval from the course lecturer does not guarantee successful enrolment of the course(s).
  • Students who have been granted approval for the waiver of requisites of a course are responsible to do their own reading on the related course materials. This waiver cannot be used as an extenuating circumstance should you fail or perform poorly in your studies.
Issues while selecting course
  • Not for appeal of failed allocation.
  • Not for application of non-prescribed courses, UG level courses, cross dept/faculty/programme courses. Eligible students are to use the 'Submit Course Request' function during Round 2 as per CourseReg schedule instead.
Maximum workload waiver
  • Not applicable to ECE graduate students. Request will not be supported.
Minimum workload waiver
  • Not applicable to ECE graduate students.
  • Coursework students must be enrolled for a course/project or on approved LOA.
  • Coursework students with no enrolment activity or with no approved LOA will be deemed as no longer interested in programme and deemed as withdrawn candidature.
Unable to secure course
  • The appeal window will open after the outcome of the CourseReg Round 3 allocation has been released. ECE Dept will only process the appeals when the appeal window is opened.

All appeals are subject to either system allocation (assuming course condition is met), quota availability, seniority, programme requirement, or case-by-case basis.

The class timetable of ECE graduate courses for the current semester is available for viewing at our ECE webpage: or through NUSMODS.

Note that some courses may not be offered in a particular semester/year.

The examination schedule and examination-related matters are available at Office of the University Registrar website.  Make use of the NUSMODS to check for potential clash in class or examination schedule.

Late information and/or changes in the timetable will be posted at the ECE e-Station (Students) > Graduate > Announcements / Notices webpage and/or through the NUS student group email account.

Onus is on the student to refer to the website/email for such information.

Research students are reminded to consult their supervisor(s) on the courses that they intend to take to ensure that the coursework requirements of the research degree programme are met.

  • Semester limit: Maximum is 3 courses for full time and 2 courses for part time students respectively.
  • Candidature limit: depending on whether the course requirement for research programme has been met.
  • This excludes count for Seminar course (EE5999, EE6999), IA course (EE5666, if applicable), Research attachments (EE6990. if relevant); EG5911 (Research Methodology & Ethics), ES5101 (Technical Communication for Engineers), ES% (CELC courses).
  • Flexibility for taking extra courses (candidature limit) is open to weaker research student (example those on warning/probation) and will be assess on a case-by-case basis.

Check the ECE student e-station” for more details on the degree requirement for relevant ECE graduate degree programme. Login credential required.

pathway:         > E-Station (students) > Graduate > PhD/MEng

Some courses are pre-allocated to research students, such as seminar code (EE5999, EE6999 etc).  However, courses which you intend to take for the coming semester are to be selected and registered via CourseReg@EduRec.

Students are reminded to take courses that are relevant to their degree programme.

Do take note of the maximum number of courses allowed in the semester/candidature. This include approved pre-taken course and/or transfer of credit.

  • Semester limit (maximum is 5, or max 4 course + project) for full time student, equivalent to 20 units.
  • Semester limit (maximum is 3, or max 2 course + project) for part time student, equivalent to 12 units.
  • Candidature overall limit = 10 courses (40 Units)
  • Flexibility for taking extra courses (>10 for candidature) is open to weaker M.Sc student (example on warning/probation) and will be assess on a case-by-case basis.

Regardless if opted for specialisation or not, the general rule is, ECE MSc EE or CEG student is not allowed to take more than two of the following combination. Remaining courses must be from prescribed graduate courses within programme, unless otherwise indicated. This include pre-taken course that student is applying or approved for transfer of units to the MSc programme.

  1. Non-prescribed course list or non-prescribed graduate courses* or
  2. Undergraduate courses level 4000 or
  3. Research level courses (6000 series) or
  4. Service course offered for other programmes but hosted by ECE Dept or
  5. Any course “external-to-programme” basket.

Students who fail to adhere to the stated condition would encounter problem in fulfilling the graduation requirement for their enrolled MSc programme.  This might cause student having to take on additional required course in subsequent semester, thus incurring additional semester, time and cost.

*Additional course fees may be charged by the host department.

Check the ECE student e-station” for more details on the degree requirement for relevant ECE graduate degree programme. Login credential required.

pathway:         > E-Station (students) > Graduate > MSc

Pre-allocation of EE5003/CEG5003/EEK5003 will be made for MSc student who are working on their second semester of the project.  However, courses which you intend to take for the coming semester are to be selected and registered via CourseReg@EduRec.

  • Students should plan a manageable course workload in each semester and to put into consideration their work commitment (for part-time students) and/or time-management and ensure that they are able to cope with the demand of the MSc or Research programme throughout their semesters and candidature.
  • Students should focus on fulfilling the required number of courses and graduation requirements within the maximum candidature of their respective programmes to avoid termination of candidature.
  • Students should prioritize in completing their studies. Students should note that taking on too many courses, having part-time employment, internship etc, cannot be used as an extenuating circumstance for absences, incomplete or late submission of homework or project and/or poor performance.
  • Research students (PhD, EngD and MEng) should consult his/her supervisor(s) on the courses to be taken for their research programme.
  • MSc (Electrical Eng) students admitted from August 2019 will need to take note about changes in tuition fee subsidy in relation to “normal course duration” and “maximum candidature. Refer to details here.
  • Visit the “ECE student e-station” for details on the degree requirement for relevant ECE graduate degree programme. Login credential required. Or contact the relevant ECE admin staff for advice. Contact information of ECE admin staff is available under "Assistance' menu.
By default, Classes and Exams will be held in-person throughout the semester. Those unable to be in Singapore, will have to apply for LOA (not applicable to NGRD or CPE students); or not select our ECE graduate course.

Due to change in our MSc Programme, there will be charges on a per course basis (subject to prevailing GST rate) for student enrolled under the cross Programme/Department/Faculty in our graduate course offered and hosted by ECE Dept. This is with effect from August 2022.

Exception only for specific programme, group/type of student as per agreement.

Details of charges (if applicable) is indicated in this file.

For Graduate Level Students (GD)

  • Use the CourseReg@EduReg system to apply using [Submit Course Request] function during Round 2. Outcome of request will be released as per CourseReg stipulated schedule.
  • Some EE6000 course series are not open to M.Sc students. M.Sc students who wish to apply for such EE6000 course that are open to PhD/MEng students only, will have to submit request via the [Submit Course Request function in Round 2] function in CourseReg@EduRec system. Appeals are subject to approval on a case-by-case basis.
  • For married course such as EE5139 and EE6139, the level 6000 code is restricted for research student, while level 5000 code for coursework student only.
  • Function applicability depending on both student’s home dept and course host dept.
  • For appeals under “Unable secure course” type, ECE Dept will only be able to decide after the Round 3 allocation run.
  • All requests are subject to either system allocation (assuming course condition is met), quota availability, seniority, programme requirement, or case-by-case basis.

For Undergraduate Level Students (UG)

  • Limited to level 5000 course (elective) series, excluding CET/GC courses, 2units course, seminar, project etc.
  • Open to UG year 3 standing and above only.
  • Priority for graduating seniors and those declared on Research-focused Pathway (RFP).
  • Use the CourseReg@EduReg system to apply using either [Select Course] or [Appeal/Inquiries] function as applicable.
  • Function applicability depending on both student’s home dept and course host dept.
  • For request made through appeal function under “unable secure course”, ECE Dept will only be able to decide after the Round 3 allocation run.
  • All requests are subject to either system allocation (assuming course condition is met), quota availability, seniority, programme requirement, or case-by-case basis.

For non-graduating and/or non-exchanged Students (NGNE)

  • Limited to level 6000 course series, excluding CET/GC courses, 2units course, seminar, attachment, project etc.
  • Open to student on research programme, M.Eng or PhD student level standing only. 
  • Application to be made via appeal function in CourseReg during OUR stipulated period.
  • Application is subject to approval on a case-by-case basis, quota availability, course requisite condition (if applicable) etc

1) Who to call for further assistance about “CourseReg@EduRec System”.

2) Queries pertaining to graduate programme requirement for ECE graduate students.

Students may contact ECE Department Office at E4-05-42, or Tel: 65162109, or email the relevant officer based on programme as follows:

Graduate Programme Contact Information
MSc (Elect Eng) Ms Diana, email:
MSc (Comp Eng) Ms Murne, email:
MSc (STO) Ms Lay Har, email:
ECE PhD/EngD/MEng Ms Peizhi, email:
Ms Eunice Wong, email:

3) Any Issues encountered on NUS computer network, password, NUSNET ID issue etc.

Contact NUS IT Care

Location Level 6, Central Library Building
Refer to NUS IT care webpage for operating hours.
Tel 6516 2080

Student Card Enquiries

Tel 6516 7210

Computer Account Enquiries