30 March 2018

Elected Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore – Prof. Hong Minghui

Prof. Hong Minghui was elected as the Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore (FSEng) on 27 March 2018. Prof. Hong specializes in optical engineering. He has co-authored 10 book chapters, 26 patents granted, and 400+ scientific papers. and 60+ talks in international conferences. Prof. Hong is invited to serve as an Editor of many journals including Light: Science and Applications (Nature Publisher Group). Prof. Hong is Fellow of Optical Society of America (OSA), Fellow of International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), and Founding Fellow and Vice President of International Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering (IAPLE), Fellow and Council Member of Institute of Engineers, Singapore (IES). He is also the Chairman of Phaos Technology Pte. Ltd., which is a spin-off company (in 2017) to commercialize the technologies being developed in ECE Dept., NUS and being supported by NRF CRP.


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