1 January 2018
Prof. Guo Yongxin

Associate Professor Guo Yongxin elevated to IEEE Fellow

Associate Professor Guo Yongxin has been elevated to IEEE Fellow with effect 1 Jan 2018, a distinction reserved for select IEEE members with extraordinary accomplishments in IEEE’s fields of interest.

Prof. Guo Yongxin

With more than 423,000 members in over 160 countries, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest technical professional organisation for the advancement of technology.

Associate Professor Guo received the accolade for his contributions to wideband printed antennas. His research areas covers small and wideband antennas, wireless power, and MMIC modelling and designs. He has authored/co‐authored more than 400 technical journal and conference papers with Google Scholar citation of over 6,200 times and H‐index of 44. His research work in these areas has had a long-lasting impact on wireless communications, engineering in medicine, and internet of things.

Associate Professor Guo’s contribution to IEEE includes having served as a General Chair of IEEE IMWS-AMP 2015 and IEEE IMWS-Bio 2013. Prof Guo has also been serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwave in Medicine and Biology (JERM) and IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

“I am truly humbled and excited being elevated to IEEE Fellow.  It is an honour.  I must say that I have also been fortunate to have met and worked with many talented students, post-doctoral fellows, researchers and collaborators. All the achievements would not have been possible if not for support and contributions. I also would like to express my appreciation for the support from fellow colleagues and staff from the ECE department and also the Faculty and University” said Associate Professor Guo.


Associate Professor Guo Yongxin
National University of Singapore
Electrical & Computer Engineering
4 Engineering Drive 3
Singapore 117583
Email : eleguoyx@nus.edu.sg
Web: https://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/stfpage/eleguoyx/

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