Pinging all hackers!

Mark your calendar as busy on 12th and 13th October: iNTUition v6.0 is right around the corner. iNTUition v5.0, the previous iteration of iNTUition, was a grand success with over 350 participants from a myriad of institutions across Singapore taking part in it and making it one of the largest hackathons in Singapore ever!

iNTUition is a 24-hour hackathon that continues to be the trendsetting platform for the ever-evolving hacker community of Singapore. You will be competing against the best and tech savviest of your peers in this race against time, so bring your C game to this competition. You must be an undergraduate student or below to be eligible for registration and may participate as part of a team or individually.

We want you to walk in with a singular purpose in mind: Transforming ideas into code. 

Register for an unforgettable weekend of enthralling activities, scrumptious food,unhealthy doses of piping hot caffeine, preposterously awesome prizes and most importantly, high speed Wi-Fi! 

Participants have a chance to bag awesome prizes worth more than 5000 SGD and don’t forget all the cool swag you can get from our benevolent sponsors like DigitalOcean, NYC, Red Bull, gradsingapore, Version 2 and Zalora.

Registration is completely free of cost and participation requires nothing but your enthusiasm and ingenuity. Sign up for one of the most invigorating 24 hours of your life! Tag along with your fellow hacking enthusiasts!

You can register at: 

For any queries, please reach out to us at or through our social media pages (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram). Our team will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Find out more at:

Seize the day. Carpe Diem!
