24 December 2019
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Breakthrough Could Change Use of Microsensors Medically

Asst Prof John Ho from the Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NUS Faculty of Engineering and the Institute for Health Innovation and Technology at NUS led a research team to develop a highly sensitive wireless reader that can monitor health indicators using microsensors that are tiny enough to be injected under the skin. The breakthrough can shift the paradigm in healthcare and be a trailblazer for the future of minimally invasive health monitoring situations.

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Assistant Professor John Ho (in white shirt) and PhD student Dong Zhenya with a prototype of the wireless reader their team created to easily read signals from microsensors less than 1mm long. They also developed a sensor that is smaller than the tip of a pencil and does not need a battery.

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Read more about their research here: https://www.straitstimes.com/tech/breakthrough-could-change-use-of-microsensors-medically

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