6 July 2020
Prof Chua Soo Jin

Emeritus Professorship Award – Professor Chua Soo Jin

Professor Chua Soo Jin was awarded the Emeritus Professorship on 1 July 2020. The award of Emeritus Professorship is conferred to full professors on retirement in recognition of their stellar and sustained contributions in distinguished scholarship and service to the University and community.

Prof Chua Soo Jin
Professor Chua Soo Jin

Professor CHUA Soo Jin joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS in Oct 1978 as a Lecturer and remained there till my retirement as a Professor in June 2016.

In 1988, Prof. Chua introduced into the ECE curriculum the course on Optoelectronics. In order to facilitate participation of research in the field of Optoelectronics, especially in Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Metal-Organic Chemical Deposition, he set up and managed the Centre for Optoelectronics (COE) in 1989 when he was a Senior Lecturer, with a S$10 Million grant from the Singapore Totalisator Board.  The initiative drew participation from staff in the ECE and Physics Departments. During the period of its existence from 1989 – 2012, the Centre trained more than 50 PhDs and 60 MEng/MSc graduates which formed the original core of expertise that spearheaded optoelectronics activities in companies and statutory boards in Singapore such as Hewlett Packard, Agilent, AvagoTech, Philips, Sony, Hitachi, Defence Science Organization and MINDEF. Several graduates joined the A*STAR Research Institutes, NUS and NTU and the Polytechnics to further contribute to the field in research.

Prof. Chua served as Head of the Division of Microelectronics, ECE Department from 1992 to 1997, during the period when there was a surge of business activities in microelectronics in Singapore when several wafer fabs were established. In order to meet the demand for microelectronics engineers then, conversion courses and schemes were implemented to entice more students to take up Microelectronics as their specialization.

In subsequent years and concurrently, Prof. Chua also served in various capacities in the Department and Faculty committees as well as the Assistant Director for Institute of Microelectronics (IME) during its founding years 1990-1995, Cluster Director and subsequently, Deputy Director of the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) 2004-2010, Deputy Director of Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) 1998 – 2012 and Principal Investigator of SMART 2012 -2017.

Prof.  Chua is currently serving as the Editor for the J PhysD: Semiconductor and Photonic Materials and Devices.

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