
Dr SIKDAR, Biplab
Head of the Department

Dr HO Weng Khuen
Associate Professor,
Deputy Head (Administration)

Dr Mansoor B. A. Jalil
Associate Professor,
Deputy Head (Research & Graduate Programmes)

Dr SOH Wee Seng
Associate Professor,
Deputy Head (UG Programmes)

Senior Lecturer, 
Deputy Head
(Outreach & Student Life)

Dr Abdullah AL MAMUN
Associate Professor, 
Associate Head
(UG Programmes)

Associate Professor,
Associate Head
(Graduate and CET programmes)

Dr CHUA Dingjuan
Senior Lecturer,
Associate Head
(Outreach & Student Life)

Industry Advisory Board (IAB) Members

for the term 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2024

External Members

Dr Siah Soh Yun Vice President, Technology Development & R&D GlobalFoundries Singapore Pte Ltd
Ms Ho Yean Fee Vice President, Technology & Innovation SAP Asia Pte Ltd
Mr Joshua Lee Wai Khin Senior Director, FAB 10 Micron Semiconductor Asia Pte Ltd
Mr Pee Beng Kong Executive Vice President EDB
Mr Lim Soon Hock Managing Director PLAN-B ICAG Pte Ltd
Prof Lim Keng Hui Assistant Chief Executive A*STAR SERC
Dr Peh Chin Hwee Deputy Group Chief Engineering Officer & SVP, Head, Video Analytics, GEC ST Engineering Land Systems Ltd
Dr Bicky Bhangu President, South-East Asia, Pacific and South Korea Rolls Royce Singapore Pte Ltd
Mr Jerome Tjia Vice President & Head of Development Centre Infineon Technologies APAC Pte Ltd
Dr Lim Chin Siong Desmond Rodney Deputy CEO, Technology DSO National Laboratories
Mr Ralph Foong Deputy Chief Executive (Energy Planning & Development and Corporate Services) EMA
Mr Andy C Lee Head, Public Sector Google Cloud

Internal Members

Prof Biplab Sikdar Head of the Department
Assoc Prof Mansoor Bin Abdul Jalil Deputy Head – Research & Graduate Programmes
Assoc Prof Soh Wee Seng Deputy Head – Undergraduate Programmes
Assoc Prof Ho Weng Khuen Deputy Head – Administration
Dr Rajesh Chandrasekhara Panicker Deputy Head – Outreach & Student Life