Advanced Control Technology (ACT) Laboratory

The Advanced Control Technology Laboratory is one of the Research Laboratories in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department under the Control Group. It is one of 3 Labs supporting teaching and research in the area of intelligent control. The Laboratories has 7 teaching staff members, 1 Laboratory Officer, 3 Research Staff, 15 Research Students and 34 Final Year Project Students. The Laboratory provides research facilities to a number of Post Graduate Students & Final Year Students Project works. Our mission is

  • To act as a focus of research and development for intelligent control in Singapore.
  • To contribute to world-class research and establish international relationship with similar centres  in the world.
  • To develop human resources in the advanced technologies of artificial intelligence and automatic control.
  • To provide a test bed for prototyping and generation of new technologies.
  • To establish a mechanism for technology transfer to control control industries.

Research Areas:

  • Process Control
  • A Performance Driven Physiotherapy Solution
  • Indoor Thermal Comfort Control
  • Adaptive Control / Auto Tuning
  • Computational Intelligence


LABVIEW is a graphical programming language that uses icons instead of lines of text to create applications. In contrast to text-based PL, where instructions determine program execution, LABVIEW uses dataflow programming where the flow of data determines execution.

In LABVIEW, you build a user interface by using a set of tools and objects. The user interface is known as the front panel. You then add code using graphical representations of functions to control the front panel objects. The block diagram contains this code. In some ways, the block diagram resembles a flowchart. You can purchase several add-on software toolsets for developing specialized application. All the toolsets integrate seamlessly in LABVIEW.

LABVIEW is integrated fully for communication with hardware such as GPIB, VXI, PXI, RS-232, RS-485, and data acquisition control, vision, and motion control devices. LABVIEW also has built-in features for connecting your application to the Internet using the LABVIEW Web server and software standards such as TCP/IP networking and ActiveX.

Using LABVIEW, you can create 32-bit compiled applications that give you the fast execution speeds for custom data acquisition, test, and control solutions. You also can create stand-alone executables and shared libraries, like DLLS, because LABVIEW is a true 32-bit compiler.

LABVIEW contains comprehensive libraries for data collection, analysis, presentation and storage. LABVIEW also includes traditional program development tools. You can set breakpoints, animate program execution, and single-step through the program to make debugging and development easier.

LABVIEW also provides numerous mechanisms for connecting to external code or software through DLLS, shared libraries, Activex, and more. In addition, numerous add-on tools are available for a Variety of application needs.

MATLAB integrates mathematical computing, visualization, and a powerful language to provide a flexible environment for technical computing. The open architecture makes it easy to use MATLAB and its companion products to explore data, create algorithms, and create custom tools that provide early insights and competitive advantages.

MATLAB handles a range of computing tasks in engineering and science, from data acquisition and analysis to application development. The MATLAB environment integrates mathematical computing, visualization, and a powerful technical language. Built-in interfaces let you quickly access and import data from instruments, files, and external databases and programs. In addition, MATLAB lets you integrate external routines written in C, C++, Fortran, and Java with your MATLAB applications.

The IAR Embedded Workbench IDE is a very powerful Integrated Development Environment that allows you to develop and manage complete embedded application projects. It is a development platform, with all the features you would expect to find in your everyday working place.

The IDE is the framework where all necessary tools are seamlessly integrated:

  • The highly optimizing IAR C/C++ Compiler.
  • The IAR Assembler.
  • The versatile IAR ILINK Linker, including accompanying tools.
  • A powerful editor.
  • A project manager.
  • A command line build utility.
  • IAR C-SPY Debugger, a state-of-the-art high-level language debugger.

IAR Embedded Workbench is available for a large number of microprocessors and microcontrollers in the 8-, 16-, and 32-bit segments, allowing you to stay within a well-known development environment also for your next project. It provides an easy-to-learn and highly efficient development environment with maximum code inheritance capabilities, comprehensive and specific target support. IAR Embedded Workbench promotes a useful working methodology, and thus a significant reduction of the development time can be achieved by using the IAR Systems tools.

The IDE is a flexible integrated development environment, allowing you to develop applications for a variety of different target processors. It provides a convenient Windows interface for rapid development and debugging.


Project Management:

It comes with functions that will help you to stay in control of all project modules, for example, C or C++ source code files, assembler files, include files, and other related modules. You create workspaces and let them contain one or several projects. Files can be grouped, and options can be set on all levels project, group, or file. Changes are tracked so that a request for rebuild will retranslate all required modules, making sure that no executable files contain out-of-date modules. The following list shows some additional features:

  • Project templates to create a project that can be built and executed out of the box for a smooth development start-up.
  • Hierarchical project representation.
  • Source browser with an hierarchical symbol presentation.
  • Options can be set globally, on groups of source files, or on individual source files.
  • The Make command automatically detects changes and performs only the required operations.
  • Text-based project files.
  • Custom Build utility to expand the standard tool chain in an easy way.
  • Command line build with the project file as input.


Source Code Control:
Source code control (SCC) or revision control is useful for keeping track of different versions of your source code. IAR Embedded Workbench can identify and access any third-party source code control system that conforms to the SCC interface published by Microsoft.
Window Management:
To give you full and convenient control of the placement of the windows, each window is dockable and you can optionally organize the windows in tab groups. The system of dockable windows also provides a space-saving way to keep many windows open at the same time. It also makes it easy to rearrange the size of the windows.
The Text Editor:
The integrated text editor allows editing of multiple files in parallel, and provides all basic editing features expected from a modern editor, including unlimited undo/redo and automatic completion. In addition, it provides functions specific to software development, like coloring of keywords (C/C++, assembler, and user-defined), block indent, and function navigation within source files. It also recognizes C language elements like matching brackets. The following list shows some additional features:
  • Context-sensitive help system that can display reference information for DLIB library functions.
  • Syntax of C or C++ programs and assembler directives shown using text styles and colours.
  • Direct jump to context from error listing.
  • Multibyte character support.
  • Parenthesis matching.
  • Automatic indentation.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Unlimited undo and redo for each window.
The IDE is documented in the IAR Embedded Workbench IDE User Guide for ARM (this guide). There is also help and hypertext PDF versions of the user documentation available on-line.
Description: Quantity: Vendor’s Name:
DC Motor Control Module 1 Terco Far East Pte Ltd
Multimeter, Fluke 45 3 Rank O’ connor S’pore Pte Ltd
Shimadzu Electronic Analytical Balance 1 CSD Industries Pte Ltd
Digital Audio Workstation Instrument Model: Vs-890 1 Swee Lee Company
E200 Integra Meter 2 ABB Industry Ptd Ltd
Tektronic Oscillocopes 2 M & M (S) Pte Ltd
SensArray Temperature Probe wafer and measurement system 1 Power Team Technologies (S) Pte Ltd
Ocean Optics S2000 Spectrometer 1 Photonitech Pte Ltd
High Resolution Spectrometer 1 Photonitech Pte Ltd
DC Power Supply (E3634A) 1 Agilent Technologies (S) Pte Ltd
DC Power Supply (6654A) 2 Agilent Technologies (S) Pte Ltd
Cooling Water Circulator Chillier Bath 1 Sino Chemical Co (S) Pte Ltd
Stereozoom Microscope 1 ZMC Technologies (S) Pte Ltd


Academic Staff:
Associate Professor Arthur Tay Associate Professor Ho Weng Khuen  Associate Professor Loh Ai Poh
Associate Professor Tan Woei Wan Associate Professor Xiang Cheng Professor Lee Tong Heng
Research Staff:
Lai Jian’En Jermyn (Research Engineer) Gao Shuhua (Research Engineer) Jerome Jayasundram (Joint Research Staff)


Person to Contact: Mr Zhang Hengwei (Laboratory Technologist)
Contact number: +65 65163494

Lab Location:
National University of Singapore
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Block E4, Level 8, Room 22
4 Engineering Drive 3
Singapore 117583