Associate Members - HLT

Associate Professor

School of Computer Science and Engineering

Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore


Personal Profile:

I am currently an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering SCSE, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Concurrently, I am Asst Chair of Graduate Students for SCSE since Jan 2019.

Prior to joining NTU in 2003, I worked in: Knowles Electronics (2001-2002), Lernout and Hauspie (1999-2000,Belgium), Institute of Infocomm Research (1996-1999,I2R, Singapore), and RIKEN (1996,Japan).

I received both BEng (Hons) and PhD from Edinburgh University, U.K. in 1991 and 1996 respectively. My PhD was supervised by Bernard Mulgrew, Peter Grant and Chen Sheng.

My area of focus is in speech research and signal processing. To date, I have been Principal Investigator of several research grants awarded by NTU-Rolls Royce, Mindef, MOE and AStar with a total funding amount of over S$ 9 million under the Speech and Language Research Group at SCSE. I have supervised 13 PhD students and 8 Masters Engineering students.

My publications include 2 edited books and over 100 journal/conference papers. I have served as the publication chair for 5 international conferences (Human Agent Interaction 2016, INTERSPEECH 2014, APSIPA-2010, APSIPA-2011, ISCSLP-2006), and have been an associate editor for IEICE (special issue 2012), a reviewer for Speech Communications, Eupsico, IEEE Trans Man,System and Cybernectics Part B, Journal of Signal Processing System, ACM Multimedia Systems, IEEE Trans Neural Network, IEEE Trans CAS-II, and Signal Processing.

I was the recipient of the Tan Chin Tuan fellowship (2007) to visit Tsinghua University, the JSPS travel grant award (2008) to visit Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the Merlion Singapore-France research collaboration award in 2009.


  • AI speech lab: Automatic Speech Recognition for Public Services

Research interests

  • Code-switch speech recognition
  • Robust Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition
  • Keyword spotting
  • Speech Understanding (ChatBot)
  • Speech enhancement
  • Speaker identification

Zengzhiping E1561519107168

Research Associate


Personal Profile:

Zeng Zhiping is currently a research associate at Temasek Laboratories, Nanyang Technological University. His research interests LVCSR, speech recognition, code-switch, language model, etc.


  • AI speech lab: Automatic speech recognition for public services

Research interests

  • Speech recognition
  • Code-switching
  • Language modeling

Research Associate


Personal Profile:

I am currently Research Associate at School of Computer Science and Engineering, NTU, under the supervision of Assoc Prof. Eng Siong Chng. I got my B.S. and MSc degrees from Vietnam National University, Hanoi, in 2008 and 2015. My research interests include chatbot/spoken dialog system, language understanding.


  • AI Speech lab: Automatic speech recognition for public services

Research interests

  • Spoken dialog system
  • Language understanding
  • Chatbot

Lim Zhi Hao

Research Assistant


Personal Profile:

Zhi Hao's main area of research is Robust Speaker Verification. Lim Zhi Hao received his B.Sc. (Hons) in Business Analytics from Nanyang Technological University (SPMS-MAS), Singapore, in 2015. In May of 2015, he interned at TL@NTU as a Research Assistant in SCSE. As of January of 2016, he officially joined TL@NTU as a Full-Time Research staff.


  • AI Speech lab: Automatic speech recognition for public services

Research interests

  • Speaker verification and identification
  • Anti spoofing in speaker verification
  • Language identification

Rosa Gonzalez Hautamäki

Research Fellow


Personal Profile:

Rosa González Hautamäki received her Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) in 2017. Her dissertation focused on automatic, acoustical and perceptual perspectives of deliberate voice modifications. From 2018-2020, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the Non-Collaborative Speaker Characterization (NOTCH) project with the Computational Speech Group at the UEF. Currently, she joins the HLT lab as part of her postdoctoral research project funded by Nokia Foundation, Finland. Her research interests include speaker recognition, speech analysis, auditory speaker comparison, and voice spoofing attacks. She has served as a referee for scientific journal publications and as a member of technical program committees for speech technology conferences and workshops.


  • Characterization of within-speaker variability for speaker recognition

Research interests

  • Speech recognition
  • Auditory speaker comparison
  • Speech analysis
  • Voice spoofing attacks