Zhang Chen E1554800441678

Chen Zhang

Ph.D. Candidate

Email: e0397123@u.nus.edu

Personal Profile: https://github.com/e0397123

Zhang Chen is currently a first year PhD student at Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of National University of Singapore under the Bosch-NUS IPP program. He is also associated with Robert Bosch (SEA). Zhang Chen obtained his double degree in computer engineering & business in Nanyang Technological University in 2016 after he successfully completed his undergraduate final year project, Twitter Sentiment Analysis. Since then, he has developed a strong interest in Natural Language Processing. After graduation, Zhang Chen entered the industry and worked as a software engineer. In 2018, he worked at HLT lab of I2R A*STAR under Dr. Huang Dongyan on emotion recognition.


  • Applied Natural Language Processing

Research interests

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning