Human Language Technology Laboratory

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Message from the Director

Greetings from Singapore! Welcome to the Human Language Technology (HLT) Lab.

HLT Lab is home to 50 researchers, post-doc fellows, postgraduate students, interns, and visiting scholars. Our people stand out for the commitment to academic excellence, diversity, vibrancy, and creative innovation. Our lab is a place where aspiring people meet real-world research problems in speech and language processing.

HLT Lab benefits from close collaboration with the industry, unique multilingual landscape in Singapore that offers interesting research problems, and inextricable connection to international research community. All these make HLT Lab a great place to study and to work. We are proudly part of the National University of Singapore, a leading global university in Asia. The Lab had organized IEEE ASRU 2019, IEEE ICASSP 2022 and ISCSLP 2022 in Singapore.

– Professor Haizhou Li, Fellow of IEEE, ISCA

About HLT Lab

Hlt Square Cropped The Human Language Technology (HLT) Laboratory is at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore. The Lab establishes itself as the technology leader in Human-centric Artificial Intelligence (H.AI). It is known for its research in automatic speech recognition, speaker and language recognition, speech synthesis and conversion, spoken dialogue, and human-robot interaction. The laboratory undertakes industry projects and solves real-world engineering problems. It also leads major research programs in national initiatives such as Neuromorphic Computing, National Robotics Programme, and AI Singapore. The HLT team received numerous awards that include IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Outstanding TNNLS Paper Award 2016, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Outstanding Paper Award 2019, APSIPA ASC Best Student Paper 2017 and 2018, ISCA Fellow 2018, and 1st Prize of International Competition for Brain-inspired Computing 2018.

Lab Address

Human Language Technology (HLT) LaboratoryNational University of SingaporeCollege of Design & Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
4 Engineering Drive 3
Block E4, #06-20
Singapore 117583