Learning and Vision Lab


Greetings from Singapore! Welcome to the Learning and Vision Lab (LV Lab) .

More up-to-date information can be found in http://lv-nus.org

About LV Lab

Learning and Vision Group at the National University of Singapore is currently led by Assistant Professor Xinchao Wang from 2021. It was founded by Associate Professor Shuicheng Yan in December 2007, and was led by Assistant Professor Jiashi Feng from 2015.

Since its birth, the LV group has been concentrating on going beyond known boundaries and encouraging most original research and technologies at the edges for computer vision, machine learning and their applications in real life. The research projects of LV range from fundamental machine learning (including deep learning) methods, to the cutting-edge face/human and image/video analytics techniques, to intelligent search and recommendation systems.

The past decade has witnessed the astonishing growth of the LV group and its great achievements. Till now, LV-ers have published more than 600 technical papers in top international academic journals and conferences, among which over 10 were granted best paper or best student paper prizes; they received winner or honorable-mention prizes for over 10 times at core competitions of computer vision, i.e. Pascal VOC and ImageNet; and they obtained 3 industrial licenses, which well demonstrate the great commercial potential of their research besides the academic significance. In particular, this excellent team was nominated the best paper candidate for CVPR 2021 and managed to complete a grand slam in ACM MM, the top conference in multimedia, including Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award 2018 and Best Demo Award.

Lab Address

Learning and Vision Lab;
Block E4 #08-24;
4 Engineering Drive 3;
National University of Singapore;
Singapore 117583.