24 September 2021
Adrian Peh News Cover

Adrian Peh – from EE Student to IT Analyst at NUS CIT and the geNiUSjourney Project

Adrian Peh News Cover+swaybook My NUS Journey (2016 – 2020) –  Adrian Peh


Click on the picture or here to view his geNiUSjourney

My life in NUS from 2016 to 2020 has been nothing short of exciting. When I was a student in NUS, I took up various CCAs and projects. Initially, I was hesitant to take up leadership roles such as Flag Director in Engineering Club and House Leader in ECE Camp. However, with my peers’ support and my intrinsic motivation, I gained the courage to step out of my comfort zone. I am thankful that I did, because these opportunities boosted my confidence in public speaking, helped strengthen my resilience, and improved my teamwork skills. I also took up various customer-focused and volunteering opportunities as I like bringing enthusiasm and positivity to others.

Most of the CCAs and projects I have chosen to participate in involves working behind the scenes. What motivated me to commit myself tirelessly is the joy, significance, and benefits that the event brings to others. All these unique experiences that I have been through have shaped me to become who I am. Looking back at these past 4 years, I am really glad that I chose to pursue my interests and expand my horizons to try new things. Along the way, I am happy and grateful to have met such wonderful friends and teachers who I can rely on.

Now that I have found a job in NUS Centre for Instructional Technology (CIT) after graduation in December 2020, I continue to contribute to the wider community as an IT Analyst. Although I was not aware of the existence of CIT during my undergraduate days, I am immensely grateful for what CIT has been doing all these years for the staff and students here in NUS. CIT has always been the backbone of NUS’s educational technology, with the aim to improve the capabilities of educational technology systems and services. Part of my job as an IT Analyst requires me to continually benchmark and monitor CIT services, technologies, and resources to ensure they are relevant, quality-focused, and meet user expectations.

Thanks to EE, I have attained the ability to interpret, analyse and evaluate information effectively. As an IT Analyst, I also require attention to detail and solve problems on time. Other useful skills I have gained include verbal and written communications, as well as maintaining professional standards and ethics at work. I hope that my juniors can also have a fulfilling time like me while studying at NUS, where they can enjoy their University life and make lifelong friendships and discoveries. Thank you NUS and ECE for these wonderful times!

For one of my projects in CIT, I have created a geNiUSjourney that highlights my undergraduate life in NUS. Although geNiUSjourney is targeted at new incoming students in AY2021/22, existing students are also welcome to join! You may view my geNiUSjourney here: https://sway.office.com/N78ATfRIoTFH1jYA?ref=Link

geNiUSjourney has helped me to document the invaluable experiences of my time at NUS. Not only am I able to keep track of my University life and reminisce joyful memories, it also serves as a source of motivation for me as it records how I overcame numerous challenges and achieved significant milestones along the way. It might be even useful for your future career application too! Head to the geNiUSjourney website to find out more: https://geniusworld.nus.edu.sg/geniusjourney/

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