30 August 2021
Asst Prof John Ho Research Cover Aug 2021

“Moving Medicine Out of the Clinic” – An interview with Assistant Professor John Ho

An interview with Assistant Professor John Ho was featured in Physics, a magazine publication from the American Physical Society which spotlights exceptional results in the research in physics that will change the course of research, inspire a new way of thinking, or spark curiosity.

In the interview, Asst. Prof John Ho discusses his work on the application of physics to design medical devices with new or improved capabilities. His inventions include clothing that can track physiological information, tiny wireless implants that can stimulate nerves to treat disorders, and a network of devices that can wirelessly monitor health in thousands of patients.

Read the interview here: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v14/109

To find more about Assistant Professor John Ho’s research :  https://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/stfpage/hsyj/

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