15 June 2022

Award-Winning ECE Teachers and Educators – University level Teaching Awards 2022

Congratulations to the following ECE Teachers & Educators who have been placed on Honour Roll and who won the university level Annual Teaching Excellence Award 2022.
  Honour Roll* (2023-2027)
Sohweeseng SOH Wee Seng

Associate Professor


*Faculty members who have been awarded either the Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA) or Annual Digital Education Award (ADEA) three times (since AY 03/04) will be placed on the Honour Roll to honour their sustained high performance in teaching.


  Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA)
Tanyanfuvincent Individual TAN Yan Fu, Vincent

Associate Professor

Sohweeseng Team SOH Wee Seng (Team Lead)

Associate Professor

Tanchinchyehenry Dr. TAN Chin Chye, Henry

Professional Officer

Sangitsasidhar Dr. Sangit SASIDHAR

Senior Lecturer

Ravisuppiah Dr. Ravi S/O SUPPIAH

Lecturer, Dept of Computer Science

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