31 January 2022
Rohit Best Paper Award

Rohit Chandra – Best Paper Award 2021 from the SinBerBEST program

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Rohit Chandra supervised by Associate Professor Sanjib Kumar Panda, who has won the “Best Paper Award 2021” from the Singapore Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics 2 (SinBerBEST or SBB) research program.

The SBB program, funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore is a five-year research program within the Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS). SBB is an interdisciplinary group of researchers from UC Berkeley (UCB), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), and Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), who come together to make an impact with broadly applicable research leading to the innovation of energy-efficient and sustainable technologies for buildings located in the tropics, as well as for economic development.

The Best Paper Award recognizes an outstanding paper in the past year that best delivers SinBerBEST research work to the local and global scientific community. The considerations for the award include factors such as multi-disciplinary nature, how the paper results in a new SBB solution to meet SBB goals (reduce energy and increase satisfaction), and global impact.

The awarded paper was titled “Transactive Energy Market Framework for Decentralized Coordination of Demand Side Management Within a Cluster of Buildings”. The paper proposes a Transactive Energy (TE) based framework for enabling scalable coordination of electrical resources across buildings. It further demonstrates the practical implementation of the proposed framework through smart meters in a cyber test-bed. Results show the efficacy of the proposed approach to meet the goals stated by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Connected Communities concept i.e., shed, shift or modulate energy use in response to gird signals, thereby making the buildings dispatchable and grid-interactive for supporting sustainability goals.

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