14 January 2021
Ieee Wincon 2020 Bpa

Best Paper Award_IEEE WIECON-ECE 2020

Congratulations to ECE staff and NUS Alumnus, who have won the Best Paper Award at the 6th IEEE Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2020 (WIECON-ECE 2020 organized by IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection and IEEE Bangladesh Section on 26th & 27th Dec 2020.

WIECON-ECE 2020 is an annual conference, first organized in 2015, which promotes the participation of female scholars in the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The paper presented by the NUS team was recognized as the Top Paper in the Power System track among 400 papers presented at the conference.

The paper, titled “Dynamic Economic Dispatch Scenario Planning for Power Grids with PVs and Storage”, analyzed the role of two main battery technologies, namely Li-ion and Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries in meeting Singapore’s 1 GWp PV installation target beyond 2020. It was found that both battery technologies can perform load shifting and help the grid to cope with increasing ramp rate requirements arising from high solar PV penetration and bring around 6.2% operational cost savings for power system operators in Singapore.

Surya, the lead author of the paper, first worked on the idea as part of module EG4211 Energy Storage Systems for Electric Grids while he was studying for a double degree at NUS with a specialization in Energy and Sustainability.

In the module, Professor Dipti Srinivasan from NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering supervised Surya in conducting research on the market impacts of energy storage. Subsequently, NUS researchers Dr. Oktoviano and Dr. Dhivya assisted him in expanding and publishing his work.


  • Mr. Sai Surya Yarlagadda, NUS Alumnus, Double Degree Programme in Economics and Mechanical Engineering
  • Dr. Oktoviano Gandhi, Research Fellow at Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) and ECE Department
  • Dr. Dhivya Sampath Kumar, Research Fellow at ECE Department, NUS.

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