18 February 2021
Ece Usc Career & Internship Fair 2021

ECE Internship and Career Fair 2021

The ECE Internship and Career Fair is an annual NUS ECE flagship event. This year’s 2021 event was held on the 17th of February from 11am to 5pm and was jointly organized by the Department of ECE, ECE Undergraduate Student Council (USC) with the partnership of ECE Club. This flagship event provided a platform for ECE students to physically meet and network with HR personnel and engineers from the industry.

Due to the Covid-19 situation, this flagship career fair event was held at the engineering classrooms at E3 with all the necessary and required safety precautionary measures taken to keep everyone safe. Companies that participated in the event included Centre For Strategic Infocomm Technologies (CSIT), DSO National Laboratories, Micron Semiconductor Asia, Rolls-Royce Singapore, GlobalFoundries Singapore, Huawei Technology, DSTA, Siemens and the Certis Group, representing different areas of specializations and sectors in both electrical and computer engineering.

Despite the controlled and staggered event timeslots, the event was well attended by more than 200 engineering students. At the event, final-year graduating students were able to network and understand the employment opportunities available, while younger students explored the various vacation internship or industrial attachment opportunities offered by the participating companies.

This event would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors. The Department of ECE, ECE Undergraduate Student Council (USC) and ECE Club would like place on record their appreciation to the following sponsors : Globalfoundries (Event Organization), Huawei Technology (Dunkin Donuts), DSO (iTea Bubble Tea), Siemens (Nasty Cookies). With their support, the event was smoothly and successfully conducted and students were able to enjoy delectable snacks and drinks on a warm Wednesday afternoon!


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