16 September 2020
Dr Feng Jiashi Research Team

Engineering Young Researcher Award 2020 – Dr Jiashi Feng

Congratulations to Dr. Jiashi Feng who has been awarded “Engineering Young Researcher 2020” in recognition of his research work and contributions in artificial intelligence.

Dr Feng Jiashi
Dr Feng Jiashi – Assistant Professor

Dr Feng Jiashi Research Team
Dr Feng Jiashi’s Research Team

Dr. Jiashi Feng is internationally recognized for his significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence.  AI research is at an exciting stage and sees increasingly more applications. Future scientific breakthroughs will be made by new methodology exploring general artificial intelligence.

Dr. Feng’s lab develops deep learning algorithms to enable AI agents to perceive the world and learn knowledge and skills from a few training examples. The fast-learning ability is essential for a general AI. Dr. Feng’s recent works provide new insights and models on solving such problems.

Dr. Feng has been cited 12,000 times, and has won several best paper and international challenge awards.

For more info on Dr. Jiashi Feng’s research : https://sites.google.com/site/jshfeng/

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