2 June 2020
Kenny Chan

Helping a Wet Market Survive COVID19 — Kenny Chen

Helping a wet market survive COVID19 — ECE undergrad Kenny Chen started an online delivery service to help his parents’ chicken stall and today, he has expanded his online platform to help other stalls. Market Boy – Wet Market Home Delivery today covers almost the whole wet market, listing over 200 fresh items and has served more than 700 customers!

“Being trained as an engineer helps me in my business in two ways. First, believing that every problem has a solution, and second, to always optimise, achieving results with the least possible resources.” – Kenny

Armed with a can-do attitude,  Kenny Chen started an online delivery service to help his parents’ chicken stall and today, he has expanded his online platform to almost the WHOLE wet market.

“Market Boy initially started with a simple intent to help my parents’ business during this difficult time by opening an online wing. With feedback from customers as well as conversations with other store owners on how the pandemic has affected them, I thought it would be a great idea to bring the wet market online, providing convenience for customers and additional support and business for the SMEs in the wet market.

Kenny is currently in his final semester as an Electrical Engineering student under the Global Engineering Programme. How has an NUS Engineering education helped him in this new business endeavour?

Beyond his passion for engineering, Kenny is also an advocate for sustainability — he’s the President of Energy Carta, a group that looks at nurturing youth leaders in the sustainable development industry.

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