25 November 2022

IEEE-HKN Leveraging VMware’s Multi-Cloud Technology Workshop

Leveraging VMware’s Multi-Cloud Technology workshop is a joint initiative between VMware and IEEE-HKN NUS. The workshop was held on 18th November 2022, consisting of a technology demonstration as well as a sharing on the career opportunities at VMware for over 20 aspiring ECE undergraduate students. The whiteboard demo was conducted by Mr. Clement Wong, the Director of Solutions Architecture, Cloud Management and Cloud Health at VMware, which provided attendees with a comprehensive overview of the latest Multi-Cloud architecture and the various applications of such technology for enterprises. Attendees also got a chance to talk to VMware talent acquisition representatives on the availability of internship and graduate programs at VMware, as well as advice on how to kick-start a career in the rising field of cloud computing. The event was an informative and great networking session for ECE students with VMWare.

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